Saturday, June 30, 2007

I love Mitch sometimes.

Just because of moments like these:
miznatch101: Sup Dood?
Angie: Nothin much. How about you?
miznatch101: NOt much now, i just got home from alaska on a fishy trip
Angie: ... We totally have fish in CO.
Angie: If you haven't heard.
miznatch101: No wai!
miznatch101: Rly?
miznatch101: well that sux.
miznatch101: i forgot about dem fishiez
Angie: *Snaps* Well now you know.
miznatch101: next time.
miznatch101: next time

Today was my day off. And it kinda sucked. Eyyup.
Tomorrow I work.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

If you think you may kick off your shoes in a fit of joy, please kick them off now.

Kids tend to kick their legs with more force than I thought. While running the JumpingJack a lot of shoes went flying.
I know 6 rides now. Mini Teacups, Bumpercars, Convoy, Train, Boats, and JumpingJack.
Today. They almost made me work Northpark. Big coasters and rides. Scary.

I suddenly don't feel like writting anymore.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Excuse me, are you a boy or a girl?

Tuesday,I spent the night at Jacqi's house. I met Genoa (Layn's half sister) and Justin, Jacqi and I watched DeathNote. A couple episodes anyways. I was up til around 3:30 in the morning reading because I couldn't sleep. I was reading Cut and I got halfway through the book.
Wednesday, I went to Elitches with Bryan, Jacqi, and Jared. Now that was a party.
So yesterday I worked, along with Thursday. Thursday I did BumperCars again but was pulled away to learn Trains. Ashley, who covered me on BumperCars, was very... Paranoid. To say the least. The night before she was working BumperCars and she told a guy that his kid couldn't ride because she only had her swimsuit on which is one of the rules. Well I guess he got so mad that he put up his fists. So needless to say she wasn't too thrilled to cover for me. Desiree made the trainning short anyways. Every cycle is two rounds around the track, and they have to watch me do 15 cycles on my own. Well she just did every time they went around the track once as the cycle. Desiree told me this long story of how she dated Jon, the other guy who trainned me. And now they don't talk and she dumped him because he was too clingy and she's not much of a huggy person and stuff like that. Other than that nothing really eventful happened. After work Bryan gave me handcuffs though. Those have proven to be quite fun.
Friday, my day off, Bryan came over and we hung out until we went to go see Evan Almighty. Not bad of a movie, but Bruce Almighty was better. After the movie we went over to Borders and read for a bit. I wanted to finish Cut but I couldn't find it, so I read Go Ask Alice, which I had started reading when I was dating Amber. We hung out again at my house until 11 when Bryan had to go home.
Yesterday, I worked, as previously stated. I learned the Boats. I started getting annoyed of all the kids who decided to play in the water. Near the beginning of my shift I started getting dizzy. I walked around and checked seatbelts and when I started telling them the rules, the world kinda got hazy and I forgot where I was. I also got Audited, but I passed so I got candy =D . On the downside, a girl came up to me and asked if I was a boy or a girl. That in itself kinda depressed me. Then Kathy came around and gave me more candy for working in the heat. So along with the package and a ahlf of Starbursts, I had a pocket full 'o candy =D During my 30 minute break I sat with Cherie and the MountainDew I was drinking was tasting horrible, and I wasn't sure if it was just from me and my dehydration, or if it really did taste horrible. When I said that to Cherie she told me a wonderful story (which she didn't know was true or not) about her mother's friend or something who died because she thought her MountainDew tasted weird, but thought nothing of it, but they hadn't flushed the bleach out of the system so she ingest bleach and died. Thanks Cherie, that makes me feel like I should totally finish my MountainDew that I spent a dollar on. I went home and ate some Arby's. I was kinda bummed that I didn't get to hang out with Bryan, Steven, Kristen, and Misa. I was even more bummed when Bryan didn't call, and didn't pick up when I called. *Shrug*
I had some weird dreams last night. I had a dream that Ryan came and visited me at Elitches after I haven't talked to him for years. And the kids in the boats kept jumping off into the water and drowning but I couldn't do anything, because by the time I tried to pull them out, they disappeared, like in video games. It freaked me out.
Now here I am, typing this, waiting for my pants to dry and such. Eeeeyup.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Welcome to the Convoy where I am currently losing my voice!

Please keep all arms and legs inside the trucks at all times and please do not stand until the ride has come to a complete and final stop and enjoy your ride!
Today... Although I guess it's yesterday now.MONDAY. I got to learn Convoy at work. It's basically a train of trucks. Jon taught me on this one, which was awsome because he was the same guy who taught me on the Bumper Cars so I wasn't so nervous. He's a really nice guy. But I did get sick, I went home on Friday from work because they were over staffed and I wasn't feeling too great. Over the weekend I got more stuffy nosed and quite a bit of a cough. I realized today that I got it from Jon last week when he was trainning me on Bumper Cars. Seee... He was sick and had a sore throat and losing his voice. So he was drinking a lot of water, and they give us these uh. Man I can't think of the word... Cooler.. Jug... Things. And cups. Well he and I mixed up which cups were his and which were mine, so I just took whatever. Stupid Angie got sick from it. I think I've probably got Bryan sick with it too. And Jon told me to tell him he's welcome XD Anyways. Jon's a great guy, he's funny and stuff. And he's not one of those people that will act like they like you then act like they don't know you later. Point proven when he waved to me after trainning and when he sat with me on my 30 minute break. He's a bit older than me. I think about the age of my sister. And he has a younger sister who is my age. But he's just like.. He acts my age and it's awsome. I don't feel like he's talking down to me ever. And we spent almost all of the 30 minute break talking about videogames. Course then I had to go back to Convoy which made me sad. By the end of my shift I was starting to get a bit hyper as I guess I tend to do. One of the cycles, a kid asked me if he ran the train. I told him no, and that I had the power to make the ride run, then walked off laughing evilly. When no one was in my line or anything, I danced and yelled for people to come to the Convoy because I was bored, and I'm totally awsome. I think the guy running the boats was a bit amused by my performance because he kept watching me. The pure amazingness of the night though was at the end of the day when I had to call Turn Styles to put in my total for nine o' clock. It was 666. That just made me happy in itself.
And I've got Tuesday and Wednesday off ^_^ So I decided "Hey I haven't seen Jacqi in awhile." Called her up and I'm going to spend the night tomorrow night. I got my room clean so my mom can't even object to it.

Oh. And I forgot in my last post. Apparently, my friend Sasha has a crush on me. Eh... Odd.

Hope you all are doing well ^_^

Friday, June 15, 2007

Welcome back to reality, where you really can't ride on the backs of cats and mice.

Work's going well. Lately I've been working the night shift. 3-9:15. Not really bad at all. First day I learned the Mini TeaCups. Second day of work I learned Bumper Cars. (The title is what I told the kids when the ride was over. No one seemed amused and it made me sad. The bumper cars were mice and cats.) The next day I was suppose to learn the Balloons. But well I did one cycle alone before we had to shut down the ride because of rain. The girl who was training me, Shannon, took me to the Foam Factory to wait for the rain to go down. I talked for a few hours with Tabitha (I think that's her name..) and Jesse. Random things galore there. Then they decided to shut down the park early, and since I didn't have a coat I picked up bags in the Foam Factory then they signed my time sheet and Tabitha and I froliced to dispatch and went home. =D And I got paid for it all because I didn't take my thirty minute break. Whoo!
Today I work again.
Bryan and I doing fine. We serpassed a week. Whoo!
Downside. I think I'm getting sick. Yesterday my throat started hurting and it's been ever since with only getting worse.
Also. Apparently the Rec Center up by the school is too far for me to walk alone. Heh. Like I haven't walked longer than that on my own. Oh well. ^_^
But I'll probably still not be able to go.

...I kinda want some chocolate.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Oh I totally want flying boxers.

So here's the low down on the past few days or so. So. Wednesday!.. uh.. I'm pretty sure Kara, Bryan and I went swimming. Whoo! When I got to his house he was on the phone with Ariel. On speakerphone and the first thing I hear her say is "Have fun making out with Angie" in quite a bitter tone. Bryan then says, "You know Angie just heard you say that." and I say thanks in a quite sarcastic way to Ariel. She says she loves me and I say the same back but she finds it more insincere than anything, and hangs up. And amazing my luck, I get my period just the day after. =D
Thursday: Kara, Bryan, and I hung out at Bryan's house and the park. I also saw Ellie at the park ^_^ I was kinda sad that I didn't get to hang out with her long at all. Bryan, Kara and I threw a koosh ball around for awhile until we were all too lazy and stubborn to go get it. Later a small child ran off with it. Oh well. We stayed at the park for hours. Kara and Derrick got into a bit of a situation and Bryan and I cheered her up, and force fed her a cookie. After such, Kara and I hide and scared Bryan ^_^ Also. Bryan asked me out. Yes again. And I said yes. Well. More of I tackled him onto a beanbag. (And I know a lot of you will think this is a horrible idea or something. Eh. One more try.) We walked Bryan most of the way to work, then walked back to my house. We ate some icecream and some actual food, then I went over to Kara's. Played Guitar Hero for awhile, and Bryan went over to Kara's when he was done with work. A couple hours after Bryan's dad picked him up we walked to go meet him for free RootBeer Floats from Sonic. Which... Was actually quite a horrible idea. The guy gave us two each, another horrible idea. We were all already cold, then I started to get sick. Those RootBeer Floats tasted absolutely horrible coming back up in the Safeway parkinglot. Bryan and Kara were nice about it though. They rubbed my back and told me it was going to be okay. We were going to Safeway to use the bathrooms because I felt sick. When we got up to the doors they wouldn't open anyways. I had the horrible taste of twice tasted RootBeer Floats stuck in my mouth until we walked down to KingSoopers and I went into their bathrooms, washed my mouth out and tried to wash vomit off my hoodie. The mouth wash worked better than I thought, but I could still smell it. It was in my nose. When I threw up it came out my mouth and my nose. Ew right? Absolutely horrible. Ariel called Bryan but as soon as she found out I was with him she said something about not being important and hung up. I called back and of course she didn't answer. But I still left her a message telling her she was important. We then walked to a park, and after that we split off and went our separate ways. Kara and I went home and slept.
Next morning. Kara and I are woken up horribly with some lawnmowers. So we get some cereal and decide to watch Me, Myself, And Irene. Kara's younger brother, (Which Bryan and I have decided to call Christ. Kara said that he was suppose to be name Christ [pronounced Chris with a T at the end. Instead of A Jesus Christ like Bryan and I are now calling him]) was already awake. About half way through the movie, Christ knocks on Kara's door and tells us that Speedy came over to say Hi. What? No. Kara tells Christ to tell Speedy we're still sleeping. Speedy stayed for about another 15-20 minutes. After he leaves Christ comes back into Kara's room and tells us that apparently his whole family left the state and left him here. Which kinda makes sense to me. He was slacking off when he's ALREADY in the ACE program at school and because of it he didn't graduate. Anyways, Christ asks if he can watch the movie with us, and of course we say yes. He's a good kid. After the movie, Christ goes back to his room, and I call my mom and she comes to pick me up. By the time she comes to get me it's 1pm. Bryan wanted to hang out with Kara and I around 1:30. I go home, shower. And I finally find out why one of my hermit crabs has been so antisocial. He shed his exoskeleton, which also explains why he was ALWAYS in the water dish. So all was okay again. Cassie calls me upstairs and gives me a beautiful mirror with a moon frame from Earthbound, as a "Congrats on the new job" present. Cassie then takes me to go to the petstore to buy some goldfish for mom's new pond in the backyard. So we head over to Petsmart because things tend to be cheaper there than at PetCo. Well we get there and ALL the fish tanks are empty. All of them. And there was a red clearance sign above them all. Well Cassie and I buy some hermit crab things and then head over to PetCo. All the while, I'm texting Bryan. He asks if Ariel can hang out with us, and I say of course. She is one of my friends and all. While waiting to be assisted at PetCo and looking at the fuzzier animals, Bryan texts me saying they're heading over to Ariel's house. Not so good. Cassie had agreed to drop me off at Bryan's house afterwards. And I bet you're thinking, "Why not just tell her to go to Ariel's instead?" Well. Cassie gets extremely angry with me if I don't know EXACTLY where my friends live. So I told Bryan just forget it. I didn't much feel like getting yelled at by Cassie and I had hung out with him a lot that week, so he should hang out with Ariel. I hate being an over domineering girlfriend. Anyways. I then get a text from Bryan saying he'll meet up with me and there will be no Ariel. This confused me. But I named one of the ten goldfish we bought Oliver. When I met up with Bryan, his mom drove us back to his house and he told me that Ariel decided she didn't want to be the third wheel and ditched him. Oh. That makes me feel awsome, especially with how she had been acting for the past while. We end up playing video games and old school Super Mario 3, which I totally suck at. When dinner time rolls around, we walk about half way back to my house where Cassie picks us up and we go home, then off to ChinaKing. And Bryan was oh-so-happy I invited him. He loves ChinaKing but the last time he went was like a year ago. I was trying to watch Jeopardy, but Cassie kept moving around so I couldn't read the subtitles. Mom hit her ^_^ Bryan and I got some bounceballs and went back to my house and we played some more video games on not so oldschool Nintendo 64. Steven texts Bryan and asks if he wanted to hang out, and Bryan says "If Angie can". A couple minutes later, I get a text from Steven asking if I want to hang out. And to play fun, I say if Bryan can. Then we call Steven and he calls us mean for doing that when we're in the same room. We then wait out front of my house for Steven to pick us up, and we pet the next door neighbors cat Jasmine. From my house, we go to the park and play frisbee. Well after awhile the sprinklers turn on and after irnoring them because they weren't near us, we play 500. After a bit of that they turn on us and we head over to Steven's house and we all watch a new video game that Steven rented. Which amused me greatly. I love watching people play video games even though I suck at them myself. I get so into it I often freak out when THEY die. I get into video games more than movies. I don't know why. I'm watching them all the same. Anyways. Around 10:30 Steven takes Bryan and I home.
Next day. TODAY. Wow this post is jampacked. Anyways. I wake up earlier than I wanted to just because I was cold. I layed in bed for an hour, then got up to get ready for my first 'day' of work. Which I was extremely nervous for. I burned myself ironing my uniform. I dropped off some papers at HumanResources and then went to get onto the bus for work. Yay for metal detectors not going off on me! I got on the bus and I didn't see anyone I had seen at orientation, which made me feel very uneasy. Only two other people on the bus were also ride operators, so I thought, well maybe follow them! Ehh.. Didn't work. I asked someone for help, and he lead me back to a dispatch trailer for training. I felt a bit better when the lady who was giving us our first day of training was the same lady who gave me my first interview. I like her a lot, and seeing her there put me a bit more at ease. We watched two movies, one was one of those informational ones like they show at school. Seeing some trainees on a video, watching a video on what trainees are suppose to do. That was a little trippy. The second movie was pieces of news casts and stuff pieced together to show what happens when we neglect to do a good job. (Which Shannon told me was gruesome. I was disappointed. One of the parts told about this girl who went on a Ferris Wheel type ride in India, and her long hair got stuck in the ride operations and scalped her. But no actual pictures of the scalping. D= And for anyone concerned, she lived, and grew back hair =D ) At the end of that film were some clips that Shannon took from a local carnival. Terribly unsafe stuff, but who didn't know carnivals were unsafe? After the movies we got a ten minute break and I just stayed in the room, along with two others. I had no money for soda, and no reason to go outside. Some people came to talk to Irene (The training lady) and she had them guess who I was relatated to. They went through all these names until they got to Shannon and the more hyper of the two made comments like "What s he your grandfather?" And Irene said that he wasn't that old, and I told them he was my older brother, which seemed to shock them more. Doesn't seem odd to me.. But I guess 18 years is a bit of a difference for siblings. Then we spent three hours going over this huge packet, then taking a test on it. I got two wrong. We then went outside and got separated into groups. Kiddie Land workers, and not. All 16 year olds must be Kiddie Land workers unless they have worked there before, or if anyone else wanted to they could also be Kiddie Land workers. All in all, four of us were going to work in Kiddie Land. And three of us were 16. We met some of the Supervisors and our's specifically was named Akeen. I think. When he got to me, he asked my name, and when I told him he asked if I was related to Shannon. I said yes and told him he's my older brother. Another shocked look. I turned in my check-in thing to dispatch and waited with the others for the bus to come around to bring us back to Human Resources. It kinda bugged me how much none of us had really talked to eachother. We just spent four hours in the same room and now were standing and waiting for a bus, and still none of us talked to eachother. Right when I was thinking about that two of the other girls started talking to eachother. Both either 18 or older. (Blue nametags are 18 or older, yellow are 16 or 17 years old, and orange are 14 or 15 years of age. From what I can tell, higher management get a white nametag that looks more offical than a student ID which is about what I get. Picture of me on the back and everything. And they wear white shirts. Ride Opps get blue shirts. I don't remember what the other shirts are though.) When the bus came, those two girls sat together and talked more. Two guys from the class sat across from eachother in the back, but got into a conversation also. Everyone else sat alone, including myself. Dispite my not liking that no one was talking to each other I did not have the nerve to strike up conversation with anyone else. Yea I know. Lame Angie. Lame. I called mom from a payphone back at Human Resources and I waited about 15 minutes for her to pick me up. By the time we left it was around 2:30. Mom took us to Sears to get a new TV for the basement living room because she doesn't want my friends hanging out in my room to watch movies anymore. I would greatly like a couch in the basement though.. When we got home it was 3:30. I have a missed call, voicemail, and text message from Bryan. I call him, change out of my work clothes and walk over to his house. On the way there I walk past the Cononoco..Conoco... Gas Station. And some guys, probably 19 or so are there, dressed up oddly. One is in an orange jumpsuit thing holding a stuffed cow and sitting by the fake palm trees under the Conoco sign. One of his friends is wearing a hard hat and a Hawaiian lay thing. The one with the hard hat starts to talk to me. He asks if I can help his friend (the one in the orange jumpsuit) because he's horrible hot. I tell him I have no money. He says he's serious then asks if I will kiss his friend on the cheek, while his friend is shaking his head at me. I say sorry that I can't help and tell them to have a good day and walk off. What the hell? I get to Bryan's house and we play some more Super Mario 3 and then some checkers (Which he totally owned me at.) Then I had to start heading home for dinner. Bryan's mom had him walk me and him and his laziness rode a bike. And me and my paranoia did not stand on the the back pegs of the bike. Steven sees us and offers to give me a ride home, I told him no, because I was already half way. Bryan went to about the Cononco station then turned back. When I got home I ate dinner, and then started this blog. I've been uber busy lately and have not had much time to get online. Which is actually really fine with me. I hope you guys are having a wonderful summer. <3

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Don't worry, Be happy.

It's summer time and I haven't posted really. I got a job. Ride opp at Elitches. I need to find out when the next trainning is though.
Went to Lakeside last night with Bryan and Kara, that was fun. First ride we went on though I sat with some weird guy ._. ANYWAYS. Bryan and I had a long talk last night. Four hour long talk. Just about everything. It was really nice. We've been more open with eachother and we've been getting closer. Part of that I think is from the group shunning him, and that I'm there when they aren't. He finally stood up to Ariel though, which I'm proud of. If he didn't stand up for himself, I was going to, and in a meaner way. Haha. Me, mean. I suddenly don't feel much like writing right now.

I went to Preschool with Haley Panas. That made me laugh.