Wednesday, June 15, 2005

cherry pits and summer blitz

well this postll probably be kinda short because im too lazy to drag the computer chair over here and because of that im on my knees and its starting to hurt... WELL! my day has been fun, even if we didnt do much XD sometime after my last post i convinced dad to go pickup trevor, but we had to take teh truck ...ebil well we got home and... umm...i dont remember.... XD mostly we just lounged around and broke truses of non poking... we played DDR and watched tv and mom came down and was all paranoid that the lights were off XD cause trevor turned them off to play DDR then she blinded me with the lights... and more watching tv and getting up every half hour or so to change the channel... XD i just notices that part of my shirt smells like trevor o_O
anyways... knees hurting... and stomach... and head... sooooo imma go make me some food and bash my head on the counter ^_^ night!

1 comment:

Angie said...

yay! except i forgot to do so...and i think the counter was dissappointed, so he told the pin thingy in my room to step our infront of me this morning...erm... noon and trip me while i was on a quest to give my mother the phone... cause thats what happened... and now im bleeding again -.-;;
and you smell good XD