Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Day 1

wellllll, yesterday, i woke up and mom and dad went to the hardware store, and cassie stayed home and we picked up trevor, before we got home we went to king soopers because cassie wanted to see if the dr phil camera crew was there yet, they werent so we went home, trevor gave me my shoe... which was formally his o_O if that makes sense... then you know me all too well... some goggles and a glass o_O *shrug* awsome stoof though ^_^ and for that, imma have to like... death hug him when he gets back or something... if i remember o_O; anyways, when we got home, i was hungry and made myself some food, soon after mom and dad got home, then trevor and i watched hitch, and watched some tv, along with ticking me inbetween commercials, which really started to hurt after awhlie, like my ribs started to hurt every time i tried to breathe, and it was like that for a couple hours, well then trevors parents came after trevor and i stood out in the rain and watched the lightning, and we all went to red robin, that was interesting, after dinner, we drove around town and i started to get a stomach ache, and the seat belt didnt help me much, every turn and bump on the road made me feel worse, they dropped me off at home and i said my goodbyes to trevor, and when i got downstairs, my stomach still didnt feel well so i crashed on the couch and watched patch adams with cassie, then mom wanted me to pick out all the nuts and bolts out of a box of those and sawdust... took me about an hour, and we watched cool runnings, after i sorted the nuts and bolts, i fixed my sweatshirt, trevor accidently ripped it while we were at dinner, i decided to play around with the thread and stuff and i started sewing angela on the back of it i only got through the a before i decided to go to bed, which was around 2am, i listned to linkin park until i decided to actually sleep and take a break from thinking

i was "woken" up this morning by mom, but really i had been awake for a half hour and didnt want to get out of bed, i went to kristas, along with mom and cassie because dad left his tester kit up there, when we got up there, right away cole made fun of my googles, but he always thinks im weird so whatever, we stayed there and watched tv and such, josh jeff and corey went to the lake, and i found that corey is only 8, so an eight year old was hitting on me... and he wouldnt stop staring at me today... ate some ice cream... so thats what i had for breakfast, ice cream and a rice crispies bar, such a balenced meal XD and lexy's mom took a picture of me while i was laying on the couch and told me i was very photogentic... and then we drove home, and ive been downstairs since, doing... nothing really...

i seem to be beyond my regular accident prone self when im around trevor, yesterday, i started bleeding twice, hurt my wrists and right arm, got a burn on my knee from slidding on the floor, a bruse on my knee, i bet from the tickling, some of my hair pulled out from me laying on it, and i hit my head about 4 times on my wall, not to mention i fell off my bed a coupld times, plus my ribs and stomach hurting, and all of that was JUST yesterday while trevor was over, usually i get that much pain from a week, but honestly i dont really care, i like being around him, even if i do get hurt and such

well aside from my random outburst of story telling, i should be doing dishes now, sooooooo until next time, salut my supper!

yayyyy!!1one ok... well... after that last part... i ate a HUGE sunday... with carmel and fudge and icecream... but i almost EXPLODED eatting that and some cherries... THEN lana called annnndd... CONVINCED MY MOM TO GIVE US RIDE TO THE MALL AND PICK UP ELIJAH! im not entirely sure i spelt that right.. ANYWAYS! we did so, and then mom dropped us off at barns & nobel... SHUDDUP I CANT SPELL! well we went in... and found that lana was the only one with money, so we lotered, and omg such bad pictures i got of elijah it was funny... HES THE FLASH MAN! and... we yelled at people... and walked around... and then... we drove elijah home, and by then my ribs were hurtting again, and they still are at the moment.,.. really hurts to breathe and we drove elena home... and her dad called because she was 4 minutes late, and on the way home we saw a cat in the road T_T it was so sad... blood all around it.. and it looked like it was sleeping only its mouth was open... it was so sad...bleh...

now im all pissed off... GOD WTF WHY IS IT PEOPLE ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN TO JUST TALK TO ME!? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?! gosh... i hate people... i hate how they assume im fine with them just ABANDONING me, i do have feelings! and it freaking hurts... all the friends i see and im all enthused to see them and they just act like... oh... you... like, oh thats just some girl i see sometimes, shes ok i guess, just there, im sick and tired of just being that person thats there when THEY need ME and when I NEED someone NO ONES THERE! theyre all busy, but hey! go ahead tell me all your problems so i can be all sympathic, but as soon as i give a hint of me having a problem, they ignore it, GOSH! im not ms perfect, im not a rock, and im not a shrink, im a human, i have problems, and i cant fix all of your problems, im not a fairy... now mind you this does not include all of my friends so before any of you start commenting saying stuff like "omg angie i dont do that to you" (even though chances are you have atleast once) but you know, this is probably all my fault for not bitching at people every once in awhile with my problems because i feel like a freaking charity case begging for sympathy when i do that so i go with the simple "nothings wrong" and bottle it up, unhealthy? yes i know, but im not good with opening up my problems to people, and i probably never will, i know no other way than this, and i only blow up at people about 3 times a year...WELL! now that im on the verge of crying AND my ribs hurt, imma go draw or something


Angie said...

well, i have picked that up but most the time your around im not all getting mad at people really, or if i am, its just minior stuff, not worth the breathe of ranting... bomb shelter eh? anyways, my ribs are feeling alittle better thank you, cept my stomach has pain from lack of teh food, and most the time i dont think its your fault you hurt me, if that makes any sense what so ever to you, then yer hired, and i shall try to let ye know when i want someont to talk to, but im not really good at that honestly o_o; OMFG IM DONE YAY!

L.E. said...
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L.E. said...

i ran into the door today...

but i really hate when people come crying to me, expecting you to tell them everything is fine, and like drop everything your doing just to help them feel better too. then when i have a problem and want them to like be there and help me out, they get annoyed, tell me to toughin up or w/e and blow me off to do something more important. it really pisses me off, because thats just one less person who will help me out, but some how, i just end up comforting them again when they get upset again. its like "can i stop being the robot and have feelings that get hurt and friends who are there for me for just a little while?!"

and because i hate it so much when people do that to me, let me just apologise to u angie, if i have ever done that to u.