Saturday, June 11, 2005

a day of shopping, musical lessons, food, tickling and taking pictures of the inside of my pocket...

WELL! havent posted in a few days... because! i kept thinking i already had blogged...hmm.. gosh... people keep yelling at me so im not getting much typing done e.e anyways, woke up on and off from about 7 to 9 inwhich i was freezing under 5 covers... not sure why either.. but thats not the point, well around nine i got up and called trevor, then read the rest of mega tokyo... decided to get ready, and talked to trevor online, and around 1 i think, they came and picked me up, yay, we drove to a bank, and trevors mom left us in the car... not such a good idea, OMFG INVADER ZIM! um... anywaystrevor decided to take driver seat and he played with buttons... and blinkers XDXD eventually trevors mom came back and made him get in the back seat again, from the bank we went to carls jr. and... then king soopers... i think o_O one of those store things... and trevor went to go deposit some cash... well alot of cash o_o; and then we went to gordmans! ^_^ oh such pictures there did we take! hah... and i gots a picture of trevor in a pink cap i refused to put on ^_^ and a bacon sticker on his hand... cause i was special... and then soon i was special bacon... but thats beside the point, i took some pictures, we bought some trevor clothes, thhheeennn went to the mills and wandered around, looked for some trevor shoes, found none, then trevor and i went to the movies ^_^ and we saw madagascar, instead of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy... mostly because we were at the wrong theatre and we didnt have towels, but i liked madagascar, it was really funny, and i gots my back scratched, a staw, and a pillow ^_^ X3 plus a movie, plus man! and i didnt pay o_o lol, anyways... after the movie trevor and i wandered the mall until we realized it was 6:30, then trevor calle dhis mom and i called mine and we got another hour at the mall, which most was spent on a bench outside of the candy store we gots TEH SUGAR at.. because i wasnt hyper enough o_O *shrug* and i got more back scratchin ^_^ and trevor read my note, then we headed outside, found it had rained, and i slashed in a puddle ^_^ hah.. trevor thought he steared me away ffrom the puddles but he got me right to one and we sat around, and waved to cars, then trevor called his mom asking where she was and i hugged a tree, and i decided to call him pete, then we found her, and i waved XD and then we went to KFC and i doodled all over the cover of trevors sketch book, and went phyco when ellie left me a message XD i like jumped and trevor was staring at me like "wtf" then found it was vibrating X3 so that explained it, i doodled more, and we got to trevors house, i stole my spork and mac and cheese and started eatting ^_^ then after i was finished i sucked on the spork and trevor sucks on a hot sause package o_O; then trevor attempted to teach me piano stoof... and ive realized im pretty tone deaf... and i dont know the alphabet very well... X3X3 then we went downstairs, i got to see trevors room, and trevor tried teaching me how to play base gutiar, so now... i knooooowww part of one song yay me ^_^ then we sat around for awhile messing around... i took pictures of the inside of my pocket XD then i went home, and found mom tapping her watch XD i told her about my day, and now here i am, after sending some text messages to ellie... and now being pissed off at a guy... ^^; normal day of rain... er... angie i guess, well the at home part anyways. SALUT!


Angie said...

someone else o_O believe me, youd know if i was mad at you >.> i was cussing him out..

Angie said...

actually, it was because of you i got mad at the dude, well more of my sticking up for you, but that doesnt matter now ^^;