Monday, July 04, 2005

day 14

well, its july 4th and im up at my aunts house in bailey, yay mountains, i got here yesterday sometime around 7 and ate some pizza and hotwings, i also met the new puppy, named riley, and he really likes me ^_^ he was following me around, until i went upstairs to call trevor FREE LONG DISTANCE MAN! man do i wish i had free long distance at home x.x anyways, after i got off the phone with trevor i went online and got kinda bored... after while... so i went downstairs to watch tv, and heavy weights was on, such a good movie, and i got a freaking nosebleed x.x that kept me occupied for awhile -.-;; after while i went upstairs and went on the computer till around 11 30 when the internet kicked me off, thats the only thing i hate up here well that and the low water supply, dial up and low water supply... my cell phone has full service too o_o well then i got back on and stayed on till about 1:30 when i decided to go to bed, i was woken up before five thirty by foster, but he wasnt like he normally is when he comes to wake me up, he didnt attack me with kisses, just jumped on the bed and layed down at my feet, i fell back asleep around 7 i think, couldnt really tell, all clocks within seeing distance are totally off,like this huge clock out in the sunroom above all the huge windows says its about five o'three right now, and its really 1:12... anyways... i was woken up again by foster going back down stairs, fell back asleep then woke up around 9:30 because the sky light blinded me when i rolled over, so i went downstairs and watched tv, ate breakfast of french toast chocolate strawberry and maple syrup with strawberries nd blue berries ^_^ and got bored watching tv so i went up stairs to go online.. went on for about 20 minutes or less and was kicked off, and now my uncle larry and aunt cindy went to go get some water for the house because the well is alittle low, theyve never been there before so they dont know how long its gonna take, sooooo, im here on the downstairs computer waiting till riley wakes up so i can take him outside, along with foster because hes kinda jelous of the new puppy, aunt cindy thinks thats why he just layed with me upstairs unstead of trying to wake me up, hes jelous of the cat and the puppy, i mean who wouldnt be eh? tried calling trevor but he didnt answer, soooo! i decided to blog while i wait because this internet is way to slow to be checking all my watches on deviantart, let along the comments i got, im going to have so many messages by the time i get home x.x andd... to make things alittle worse, (not they they were that bad really) but cassie might be coming up, and not only for just one night but for the rest of the time im up here because those are her days off x.x most the time i come up here to get away from cassie and to be with aunt cindy uncle larry and foster, plus the new pets, whihch keeps making me think of murphey, my aunts old dog, he passed away not too long ago, got me depressed, i knew that dog since i was really little, and even though his barking scared the hell out of me while i was little he was still more pertective of me than anyone else ive encountered, really, i mean i remember when aunt cindy would leave me in the car with the dogs while she went into the store and such and if anyone even talked to me murphey would start growling and barking at them, i miss him alot, aunt cindy even got a picture of when my nephews and i were up here for new years and we were watching ice age and getting totally sugar high with popcicles and candy, and murphy took up most of the couch and josh and cole took the other chairs, so i took up the rest of the couch and used murphey as a pillow, and he didnt mind at all, and he didnt move either.. hm.. ah well, he lived alot longer than we all thought AND he had arthritus in his hips and his front paws, and even through that he was the best at catching a ball, but dudley will always be remembered by being able to fix three or more tenis balls in his mouth at one time, murphey by hes constant chewing on rocks, and foster for carrying off shoes but never chewing on them, infact when he was a puppy, when ever someone would walk into the house hes untie their shoes, well... theyll be remembered by that and so much more, itd bore you all to death for me to tell all that i remember, so im not going to, well im done now, happy fourth all ^_^

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