Sunday, October 30, 2005

best night of my life

well last night was the halloween dance, but before the actual dance i spent about half of the day reading gay guy comics, its called boy meets boy and im still reading it, its really addicting e_e; well then i ran around the house getting my stuff together before trevor came over to pick me up, cassie agreed to let me borrow her cat ears for monika so i asked for them, she changed her mind because i had an "attitude" and i said i couldnt find mine coupld i PLEASE borrow hers, she made it a definite no when she found id let monika borrow hers, i screamed fine and stopped back upstairs, tore part of my room apart looking for my car ears and found them under my backpack, when she came upstairs and found me wearing them and mocked me saying "oooo i thought you lost them" and finished with calling me a liar, dad wondering what the argueing was about was then told cassies side of the store, which ofcourse always favors her, i was still in a rush to get ready and decided to forget it, trevor came while i was in the middle of brushing my teeth, cassie started telling him how tweaked i was i screamed shut up cassie from the bathroom and dashed to my room to get my bag and my cat tail, i left and we went shopping, after finding all of the stuff we needed we headed back to trevors house, when we got there, i ended up laying on the livingroom floor and me being really tired i almost fell alseep on the floor too, and it occured to me after the dance i really should have just slept, but really thats pretty rude, instead we went on the computer and i looked at more gay comics ^^; then we went outside and dyed trevors hair green, we went back to the computer and we finally got ahold fo june and se was over not too much later after we got ahold of her, we lounged around, the pizza came, and we ate it, afterwards we did trevors make up, mine and junes, trevor kept fixing my lipstick, XD then wed say something about it like "i thought we were helping YOU with YOUR make up" and hed stop, only to pick up the eyeliner or the lipstick and fix mine again XD i put my hair up with a ribbon, aka my old glow in the dark star shoelace, we got into our coastumes and lunged around until we left, and mostly we were laying on the livingroom floor and june kept saying shes gonna steal trevor from me XD we got to the school and waited for monika, found ryan and he said he forgot his id, we found monika and leah and i gave monika my cat ears, we got in and found fuji and missy, and whooooo team! we made out way to the gym and danced, although it took me awhile to actually get into it, but i did end up deancing to all the songs i hate and singing to them, for i know all the words from listening to mom sing them so much, we took a couple brakes, we made our way to the bathrooms and i found monika and stood by her she and leah were waiting for james to empty his bladder as she put it and june and i were waiting for trevor, i layed on the floor and closed my eyes, i kinda zoned out until jame came over and asked if they killed me, monika grabbed my side and i screamed, we went back and danced til my legs started going numb and we sat down for awhile, june stalked collin, i almost fell asleep on trevor, we went back to dancing, it eventually ended, no slowsongs sadly enough, there were so many slow songs at the homecoming dance e_e; we were herded out of the school, only to wait outside and waste film, hopefully the come out, i really want to see them, and hopefully steal some to scan and put on myspace or something, anyways, we walked to the front after calling trevors mom, and we walked drunky to the front of the school... waited there for awhile, finally howard came and we went home, june and i got home got some water, and went to bed, took me a couple hours to fall asleep, but i did end up fallng asleep with trevor on my mind ^^; well... to end things i guess im starting to realize im wrong.. i mean about how i percive myself... ANYWAYS HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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