Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Day six ;-; (confessions)

well i got a bulliten on myspace and it was where you put down one of your secrects, only on a random number so it would still be secret, well that got me thinking about all my secrets, and since i cant really do the same thing on here im going to do something different, this will be a list of secrets, truths and lies, lets see if you know me well enough to figure out which is which

i like fighting with my sister

i started cutting to freak out my friends who were also cutters so they would stop but i got addicted

when i was little i used to sleep on my stomach but now its impossible for me to get confortable like that

i hate food

when i get bored i end up going to the kitchen to eat

ive read anime porn

i get parnoid that people are going to leave me if i walk infront of them

i used to never wear jelery because it annoyed the hell out of me and now i wont take it off even when i shower

i like pain

i used to love snow and i used to lay outide for hours listening to nothing

i love being alone

i get paranoid if im suppose to meet someone somewhere and i get there before they do

when i was little almost all my imaginary games had to do with me being hated by someone

i never really had an imaginary friend

when on long car trips i look out the window and immagine a guy trying to chase after the car, he usually ends up triping over the lightpoles

i like having my music so loud i cant hear myself sing

when listening to music and im alone i sing and dance like theres no tomorrow

i feel bad whenever i eat more at other peoples houses than i do at my own

ive tried to starve myself to get skinner

i dont like how much i express myself

i feel like when i express myself im limiting my crativity

i secretly think i am pretty

ive never masturbated in my life

i learned most of what i know from cassie

i want him to break up with me so he can go and find someone better

i think it would be easier if people hated me

the only place i get upset if i dont know the time is in my room

i follow people because i dont want to be made fun of if i make a mistake

i hate when people ask me how i am

i was normal as a small child, i just got odder with every year

my room is so colorful and such because of my mom, when i wanted to put my drawings on the walls of the house she said i couldnt because those were her walls, so i went to my room and asked if they were my walls, and ive been decorating them since

i love the rain

i dont like people worrying about me

i love my brother because i dont get picked on by cassie when im around him

i hate pictures of myself

i love taking pictures of my friends

i wish i could fit in

i copy other peoples drawing styles so maybe i can become better

i hate my breasts and find they just get in my way when im trying to eat roman

i love sleeping because thats where i can get away from the world

i only like school now because i get to see trevor

ive always hated running ever since a cross country race in... i think 3rd grade when i came in last (64th) in a race of all girls AND i skipped half the course because the boys race had to begin

after that race i was crying so hard after most of the boys had started yelling at me and most of the girls gave me their water bottles so id stop shaking so much

when i cry really hard i have to say things between grasps of breath and i shake so much that people have thought i was having spasms

i hate quiet, if im alone and its quiet now i end up talking to myself without realizing ive started

my nephews have always favored cassie over me, and only recently started liking me some because cassie was consumed with the computer and i was the only one to play with

i had a fight with a kid in elementary school on whos life was worse, i won

i wish i was a girly girl

i wish i liked wearing dresses

i name things because they woint leave me

i hate change

hugs used to freak me out

i like how blood tastes

i wonder if i really make him happy constently

my mom had to force me to wear a bra in forth grade

i ended up getting my period before i even had the "growing and changing" unit

i used to envy chelsea because she was a "late bloomer"

when i was alittle garret and i climbed the pine tress by the side of my house just to have dad come home and yell at us

garret asked me to marry him when we were little and cassie is trying to hold me to that

theres a picture i drew when i was little that is still on the back of my mom and dads door, and its about up to the doorknob and that was as high as i could reach then

i hate my legs

i wish i were taller

i like having hicups

i used to hug a pillow at night wishing it was someone to hold me

i love the smell of trevor so much that whenever he comes over and we spend time in my room i end up smelling whatever smells like him to get to sleep

i love trevor XDXD HAD TO PUT IT IN

i wish i was telepathic so i could tell what people were thinking

after so long of not seeing someone or talking to them i end up going back to amusing myself like i did before i was friends with them

people used to tell me all the time daniel had a crush on me and i didnt believe it until i found him lurking over me once when i was sleeping at their house on the livingroom couch, well that and one day at recess three people who had been talking with him at the tree came running down when i was going to the rock to see leah and they all told me he had confessed his love for me to them and begged them not to tell me

even though i found out that daniel had supposivly liked me i didnt act any different around him like i did other guys

i never believed trevor had been flirting with me

i never notice when im flirtingg

sarah and i make a very seductive couple

i like watching people

i care greatly on how i look

i dont like how people get jelous of me

i love to laugh, even if its at my own laugh

i love peoples voices, which is one of the reasons i like talking on the phone

i was scared to death during my stay at childrens hospital for my open heart surgery

i love my middle name, whic gives me a facination with others middle names

WELL! im done for awhile, it was long anyways i have a bunch more XDXD BAIII ohyaw and if any of you ask which ones are true or false im not going to tell you

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