Friday, January 20, 2006


you know what? today SUCKED! it totally sucked to no end
morning didnt start out to bad, i forgot my skillsbook though, second went fine, third was okay, had some laughs with erin, now fourth, thats where everything just totally screwed up my day, this girl just.... errrr.... I HATE SHALLOW PEOPLE OH GOSH! bleh e_e how the HELL can someone be so heartless to cheat on someone with four other people!? seriously e_e if that happened to me i would probably kill myself, i mean seriously, nothing like being told youre not as good as not only one person but 5! gosh, how do people deal with that guilt!? so i started talking to this girl, and i start saying "my gosh thats pathetic" and she starts asking what and i just go off on her "you dont even get to know these people! and you just go out with them because theyre "cute"?! they probably dont even know what the hell your name is!" i was pissed off well into lunch, inwhich i yelled at some people and ashley wouldnt even let me get to lunch until i told her what was wrong, then i didnt even get to eat lunch because i forgot about my math homework, plus i kept snapping at people who wanted to help, i dont get what the hell ms davis is teaching me, i wish i had mr anderson as a teacher again, least i understood what he taught me.. after lunch i couldnt stop shaking during math, plus she doesnt give us enough time for out tests, i mean in mr anddersons class i used to be one of the first ones done, now im lucky if i finish before the bell rings, french we had a test, and in photography i was getting back to hyper and stuff, we had a sub no big deal, well until she told her mary-ann blayly... oh gosh, as soon as i heard that name i suddenly couldnt breathe.. i went through most of photography constantly looking over my shoulder.. flashbacks from kindergarden came back *shutter* when i got home, justin was over but hes sick...

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