Monday, January 23, 2006

Ah hell, who really cares anymore?

so last night, i was messing around with some of cassies scrapbooking stuff and she has this really cool pen like exacto-knife, so after about fifteen minutes of clicking the stupid thing, i got stupid, and me being my accident prone self, now has a small cut on my finger which hurts like hell, plus the thing bled for like a half hour... stoppped then bled again for fifteen minutes e_e and people expect me not to get bored and find a more useful way to use this? other than you know me also being stupid and licking up the blood, seriously
so the people i dont want to worry, worry too much and the ones that i want to worry dont give a damn
i hurt the ones i love
all in all im a horrible person, dont argue
i really am, i have slight violent tendencies, and end up with someone in pain
how can you all call me a good friend? awsome? any of that and more
how am i so pure when i hurt the ones i love
EMO ang is back again, and it may take more than hugs to get her calm again

ANOTHER THING! i am SICK and TIRED of all these people i know HATING atleast one other of my friends, i dont find it nice you want to keep me away from the bad in people cause GUESS WHAT! we all have scratches in our slates we call a soul, I CAN CHOOSE MY OWN FRIENDS im sick of all of you bad mouthing my other friends when im RIGHT THERE i dont care if you talk about ME behind my back i dont care if you abandon me and leave me for dead in this world of heartless losers, I DONT CARE WHAT YOU DO TO ME LEAVE MY FRIENDS THE HELL ALONE! im tired of all this gossip and "omg i hate her" SUCK IT UP! if your freakin complaining now how the HELL are you going to life in the real world when you HAVE to smile and grin to those you loathe, SUCK. IT. UP. "ohnoes im stuck in a room with people i hateeee" MAKE THE BEST OF IT! do you even really know those people!? have you ever TRIED to get to know them? seriously people, atleast TRY to get to know people, hell most of the people who read this dont even know me, including my friends i see everyday

well im going to go before my head explodes and i start singing the "give me a hug" song i learned from jared


Jared said...

That's a good song.

But who says you're a bad person? Who gets up to your face and says you hurt everyone you get close to? (If there is, i'll punch them and tell them to go get a life)

But you don't hurt anyone, and we all think you're great, so get out of the illusion that you're worthless before you really feel worthless... That's not a cool thing.

L.E. said...

I know I'm one of those people, but there is stuff you put in your blog that I would like to say to someone special...I liked that.

And Jared's right. You are NOT a bad person. And you don't hurt people, that I know of, so you shouldn't think like that, because there is no one more deserving to be happy than you.


L.E. said...

I can never see you without smiling