Monday, January 09, 2006

Well there goes my freedom (day 40)

yup, thats right... school is back in
got to school and barely got to see trevor before i was off to find my classes, first period i have english, and many people came in for study hall because study hall a is now ms millages room, second i had study hall c, fujis in my class, but shes on the TOTAL oppisite side of the room from me e_e i like ms hilgers though, we played apples to apples and my team won, third i have american government, we did bingo and things, people seemed to flock to me when i got there... well kinda, ben sat near me and people followed him, then down to science, i made a new friend i guess, she sits across from me, her nams is adi, shes pretty nice, after that lunch, i dont think i said more than 5 words the whole time, then off to math, with phillip, too bad i dont sit by him, after that i had french, atleast i had some fun in there, i was lanas parner, and i asked how many nights she had XDXD after that i had photography, with only 8 kids in the class o_o;
bad news: jessica nicole is in like... 4 of my classes e_e let the teasing begin
even worse news: i feel horrible, i felt like i blew trevor off today, but i dont know... i got used to not seeing him, and seeing him today was just little bit too overwelming, especially when i realized how little im going to see him this semiter, especially with him still grounded

let antisocial angie be let loose -.-

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