Friday, February 10, 2006

Error: Does not compute

so after a bit of confusion, on with the rant
valentines day- yippy yet another hoiliday, only this one isnt built around belief, but presents to show that "special someone" you "care" i mean how much thought does it take to BUY something for this holiday, theres things everywhere because its one of those stessfull holidays of "will they like my gift!?" only with a dash of "is my relationship going to come crashing down because she hates this type of chocolate?!" and oh the joy, when it does come crashing down and thats "special someone" finally tells you they were having an affair with the house keeper, whooo! now, i know this doesnt happen to every relationship, you see i used to like valentines day, up till whenever they stopped forcing us to bring valentines for all, then well its just another happy reminder your alone, youd think my attitude would change, seeing as this year is the first year i actually have a boyfriend, but really, i think its sad, companys explode with advertizements and those stress ridden couples go to them in their time of need, which is exactly why they jack up the prices and you end up spending over 40 bucks on a buch of flowers, (seriously, i saw a commercial today about some place that was selling flowers for that much, and it was mostly said because it reminded me of jared and the EXTREME rock paper scissors, because well... they kept saying EXTREME through the entire commetcial) ANYWAYS so, by the end of the holiday everyones broke, several relationships are in a wreak, and id really rather not have that happen to mine (he pays for enough stuff for me as it is >.> and wont take the money back either) i mean yea sure its nice to give and recive things but everyone says "its the thought that counts" and really, going to a store and buying some stuff doesnt take much thought i think, i mean hey, being as im broke that doesnt really matter to me cause i make most of my gifts anyways, but i realized how hard it was to get gifts for guys at christmas when buying for my nephews and trevor and andrew... although andrews the easiest, i mean hes... 3 or four i cant remember i mean get him a bob the builder poster, a slinky, and hes set for hours newphews are the second easiest, something to hurt something whooo theyre set for years, but anyways i degress, so im trying to buy in to all of this because i think it might be important for trevor and well, im not doing so well on thinking of a present, especially since whenever i start drawing i mess up, hate it and rip it out of my sketchbook, great eh?
on a slightly different subject, i was talking to liz and well, we both realized how horrible the world is, i mean how many girls are pregnant freshman at our school alone? seven or something? an then those ones that arent pregnant are bragging around to their buddies "oh hey you know that one guy, we fucked" now isnt that something to be proud of, getting knocked up before graduating, whooo, great story to tell your kids if they survive having a fourteen year old mom, lets see ya try to tell them how romantic the back seat of a car was, i mean hell even i have friends that have done it, and it makes me sad really

TOTALLYOFFTOPICNEWS! im off the myspace frenzie, deleting my account as i type this, my mom got all paranoid about pretitors, looked at my myspace then cassies, she made cassie change where she lives, cassie comes up stairs and yells at me for having my school on there, so rather than get anyone more upset, i just decided to delete it, not like people really talked to me on there anyways, myspace is overrated anyways

more offtopic news, im sick, yippy skippy im sick... acturally i wish i would have gone ot school today, i had three tests, i miessed vital information in government according to erin, and i missed the critquing in photography which was one of my favorite parts T_T now im gonna be slightly behind these next two weeks in photography consitering i dont have film or even know what the project is anyways, since no ones really online that wants to talk to me imma go back to my watching tv, baiiii

1 comment:

L.E. said...

Buing gifts for guys on any occasion is like, the worst thing in the world. It's soooo hard! With out spending a fortune that is.