Saturday, April 22, 2006

worst weekend ever

worst weekend ever.
went to the doctors because of my back, they sent me to the hospital
i cried lots, had laura over, that got my mind off of things... kinda, we debated on burning the things in my room that remind me of him, or to just put them in a box, neither were done, we watched saw and its not much of a horror movie is laura and i keep laughing at it, cassie took laura and i to the movies to see iceage2, mom paid for me and laura, cassie offered us food, by the time we started going home i was so hyper from soda i was laughing hysterically,that stopped soon though, on the way home cassie started yelling at me "FUCKINGHELLANGIESHUTTHEHELLUPIDONTFUCKINGCARE" i shut up right then and there, a couple minutes later through the silence cassie says "did i hurt your feelings cry baby?" i refused to talk, cassie pulled over to the side of the road and almost kicked me out of the car, cassie took the longest possible route home and stopped at king soopers, laura and i stayed in the car, i climbed into the backseat and cried while laura held me, when cassie got back i still didnt talk, laura and i ended up staying up still 4am talking, when i wokeup there were infomercails on, she stayed still around 3:30, we ate, watched music videos, listened to dane cook, when she went home i got depressed again, i dont feel like eatting, i dont feel like doing anything, the people i want to talk to arent on and the ones i dont want to talk to have their voices planted in my mind, ohyea, and today i dropped my cellphone in my glass of milk and now it wont turn on, my bad luck is sure to go on... at this rate ill get hit by a car... hopefully

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