Monday, May 29, 2006

Just because i can

SO! i havent blogged in... a month, whooo, blogging now because i spent like an hour and a half on the phone with jesus and blogs happened to be one of teh subjects of which we speked about, jesus is getting to be one of my favorite people, hes just... funny, and thats always a plus with me
ANYWAYS in other news, two more freakin days of school left... YES, my days were starting to all blurr together, which is none too good when those days are when ere reveiwing all the stuff i had forgotten little by little over the course of the year or semester, im not stressed about finals like many other people, studying never helps me, its either stored somewhere in the back of my mind or i dont know it at all, besides, the english final, just a tst over romeo and juliet, nothing for study hall, i mean who would quiz us on that? 3rd period... gov. well ms clapham says were just having a test over... one of the branches, i forget which... that cant be good. well anyways, for science all we have is a final project, which by the way im suppose to be working with adi on, BUT FUCKING HELL SHE WONT ANSWER HER PHONE, and if she thinks that i will do the whole project and let her put her name on it, she has another thing coming, my fist into her face... ANYWAYS 5th period, math, well that ive actually been trying to pay attention on the review days... ICECREAMTRUCK *cough* um... old habits die hard, anyways, its almost impossible to pay attention to ms davis, but... it just doesnt work, 6th period... french well i am kinda worried about that, because well i suck at french... i hope i do well... and finally photography, welllll... all were doing is having a critique, on the panaramics and on 3 of our favorite prints, i havent exactly done the last one... but oh well i have the prints made all i have to do is glue em on a board
and as for this weekend, well i spent half of it with amber, realized how fun it is to hang out with her, even if she is a stoner, she says i should atleast try it, well... i dont think thats going to happen, but knowing how weak i am, you never know, ill try not to though... ANYWAYS
the other half of the weekend i spent at my aunts house, i slept so much... as soon as i got there i ended up crashing on the couch, 4 hours later i ate, and stayed up till 1 or 2 am, that was after i talked to jesus and jared on the phone of course
the next day i ended up sleeping most of the day and i never got out of my pjs that day, course the dogs kept waking me up, riley wanted to play, i wanted to sleep... but whatever the next day being today, i came home, with beaucoup de candy, and sweets, i ended up haveing a homemade icecream sandwhich for breakfast, i worked on my science final... and yet again, adi....erg... ANYWAYS i feel sick... bleh, i ate too much pizza... well im don, salut loveys

just because i like to whine
so another thing about last night, well i was so depressed, because of a trevor, i spent most of the night crying and complaining to ben, jared and me good dA friend rothaksa, hes a good photographer, check him out yo, but anyways, i complained to them all, and when i went to bed and finally stopped crying i planned an angry email inwhich i wrote today


Anthony said...

They say you should always write angry letters and not send them. I did it once when I was so pissed at vh1 for letting patrice oneil host that retarted show...oh well. Anyway don't send it.

L.E. said...

Guys are lame Angie, don't let them ruin your life. Basically what he did to you made him a liar, and it ticks me off a lot sometimes. Just try to move on, there will be much better relationships in your life. Luv ya.


L.E. said...

PS If you do drugs, you'll be in a coma for months!