Saturday, June 03, 2006

But it was a dollar! A DOLLAR!

so today hasnt very eventful, in about 3 hours imma be at a graduation party for josh, i think he graduated early or something, does make me feel a bit stupid, but thats besides the point, other than that... i dont think anything is gonna happen tonight, i might hang out with amber
how long do friendships last? when do they expire? i dont know, i just been thinking about it, so far the longest friendship ive ever had thats lasted is one with my cat, i get along with cats more than i do people sometimes, shes... i think about 10 years old, i got her when i was little after my old cat socks ran away, i loved that cat to death even though he didnt like me much, he was grey with white feet, white fur around his nose and on the tip of his tail, he was an outdoor/indoor cat, which really wasnt a smart choice to begin with, there was a white cat in the neighborhood which socks became very fond of, one day that white cat was run over by a car, socks was devistated, one morning i got his food ready like normal, i let cassies cat kitty have her share before i went outside to let socks in, i went onto the front steps and called socks, but he didnt come, a month or so went by and i realized he was gone and i never got to say goodbye to him, i was in first grade when this happened, we got muffin that year on my birthday, we went to the pet store to pick one out, there were four kittens in the cage, two kittens at the bottom by the food dishes they were both black and darkbrown, kinda like stripes, my mom and sister wanted those ones, muffin was on the middle platform in the cage, for those of you that dont know muffin is white with brown,grey,and black striped spots, anyways she was sticking her paw out of the cage and up into the next level of the cage to play with another cat, which looked much like cassies cat kitty, ichoose muffin because she looked familar, shes always been a curious cat, and always has been a good listener, she always knows when im upset and always comes and loves on me, once i was in my room crying, muffin came in and i fell asleep petting her, when i woke up she was still laying with me, she was asleep with her head under my chin, i so wish i could have had a picture of that or something

garret and ivy-havent seen since 1st grade, ivys moved by now
mary-moved to michigan and man to i suck with keeping in touch
james-moved away
a kid in my second grade class, i dont remember his name but he was the sweetest guy, first guy to give me a hug-he moved
megan-moved to idaho, never even got her new number or anything
katlyn-moved to ohio, i got her address but i never wrote
caitlin-drifted apart
julie-drifted apart
stacy-drifted apart

thats only a few, a couple years ago i couldnted them all up and i got up to around 40
welli gotta go, were going to th graduation party now

so there was cake, there were balloons, there was pizza, there was blackjack/texas hold'em/and a form of hangman called shark attack which i got the highscore one! well... in the 5-12 age window *cough* there were pictures taken, and a hot guy with cool boots/cool pants/cool shirt/cool hair/cool armwarmers/and cool belt ... SO awsome, i would have raped him for his things but... that would be impolite, plus josh and sean knew him and such... i tried getting a picture of him but the windows were too bright to take a good picture with my phone, but seriously... i really wanted his boots and his shirt.. ANYWAYS on the way home mom kept veering into other lanes while looking at garage sale signs and such, which got us on the topic of a conversation that mom and i had the other day while unloading the truck of two wooden... box like things
me:whyd you buy these anyways?
mom:they were a dollar
me:you dont need them
mom:but they were a dollar
me:where are you putting them?
mom:ones going into my room, im not sure about the other one
me:so then why did you get both of them?
mom:they were a dollar
*as i inspect one that we just set on the lawn* me: mom this ones broken
mom:but it was a dollar
me:but its brok-
me:its even all beat up an-

mom fails at passing up good deals, even when she completely doesnt need it and we have no room for it, so now you know where my packrattyness comes from

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