lana, in my hoodie, slightly concerned fer her horse
elitches, mitch, carasel, you do the math
picture of teh group, well about half of it anyways
this is the picture of the group when jared jumped out in front
jared vampire face, i wonder if he can still do it
this is connor, conner sat next to me in art, conner always moved my left arm to get my attention, i always punched him for screwing up my drawing when he did that
bunny james, fun in art class
the beauty of doing science projects the day before theyre due after having 3 monthes to do it. CODE RED CRICKET DEATH: the crickets exploded after a certain height...
jen love and tech arts boredom
valentines day love
no wonder i was made fun of... e_e
eerybody loves lana
[/end walk down memory lane]
Whoa! Everyone looks like babies! I guess it was only last year but still.
babies? XD pfft no they dont
Lol omg beb ttyl ttul lmao roffles KFC FBI CIA NSA ABCDEFG Pictures
Woot! My hands were the only thing present in two pics, hehe, I was in others tho! Yay! And I look like a freak! I need to do something with my hair, lol. Man, good times. Jared's vampire face is the best vampire face I've ever seen.
(yes, we do look like babies. hurrah for maturity)
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