Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Who would ever think Angie would get a girlfriend?

okay so yesterday i went to the mall with amber and kelsey, we walked around alot, got a soda, listened to music and made eachother try on skimpy clothes, kelsea ended up in a blue holter top and a blue and white skirt which you could see her underwear through XD, amber in a short black skirt and a black see through corset, and me with a red and black corset and a red skirt which i was so paranoid wearing because it was so short, we started asking people what theyd do for a klondike bar, one guy said hed kill someone, the rest said i dont know except for one guy who said "what would you do to SUCK MY COCK" then amber went off to cuss him out as they drove off, i ended up staying the night at ambers, we went across the street to get some weed, and they didnt have any which pissed off amber and we walked down to the king soopers so amber could have some cigarettes, i figured itd be okay since i thought my sister had gotten off work by then, i was wrong, we sat by the doors and like within 10 minutes my sister walks out the door and amber and i are freaking ut as kelseys wondering why the hell were running inside the kingsoopers, luckyly she didnt look back when she left and we werent caught, we layed in the grass at some building behind the kingsoopers, amber used me as a pillow and we talked about guys, i talked about kyle and how he almost drove me to kill myself, amber got depressed, and demanded as to why i hadnt called her when i was that depressed, she said she would have killed herself after me, and she said that now everyday at 2:30 shes going to call me and make sure im alive, i dont think shell keep up with it but it still made me smile, we talked about how guys suck and only screw us over, then i told her that i had been thinking of asking out some of my friends that are girls, and i told her i had thought about asking her out, "really?" "yea" "if you asked me out i would so go out with you" "seriously?" "yea" "wanna be my girlfriend?" "seriously?" "yea!" "YEA!" "amber i love you!", so now i have a girlfriend ^_^ and then we lit bugs on fire, later we went back to get some weed at around 10:30 at night, amber had kelsey and i wait on the stairs, and later amber half heartedly tryed to get us to go inside and toke it up with the other guys, she knew i felt uncomfortable so she didnt push it, amber went back and told them we were going home after she got the weed, two of the guys ended up coming down and tried to get us to go up there with them, kelsey told me to follow her and i did, they offered us alcohol, kelsey drank some and i kept quiet, one of the guys was interested in learning about us, he asked questions like how old are you and things like that, after alittle bit kelsey went into the backroom to find amber, she left me alone and i felt like i was going to be sick, they asked if i had ever smoked before and i shook my head no, he asked if i had done anything, mushrooms or acid or any of that, i shook my head no again, then kelsey appeared in the doorway and waved me over, when i got into the room i immediatly went to kelsey and ambers side, they both seemed alot more comfortable here than me, there were joints being passed around and amber led us back out into the living room, i whispered to amber that i wasnt comfortable and i wanted to go back to her house, she nodded and told them that we should be going, i was up at the door by then, then amber and kelsey had a couple more drinks of the rum, "just one more" one of the guys looked at me and laughed "youre going to be here for another 20 minutes at this rate, come on and grab a seat", i still stayed at the door, i gave amber a look and she started to get up then sat back down and took another drink, and kelsey took another one too, then when they finally got up the guy who had been asking us questions shook our hands, and told us his name was chris, then i was out the door and kelsey and amber followed, amber apologized over and over for making me go there, and we held hands as we walked back to amber house, we devided the weed and the rest is kinda a blur, i remember laughing and kelsey trying to burn me with the pipe, and going outside and saying "oh my god look at the grass, its so fucking long, i mean... AMBER LOOK AT IT" but rest assured i didnt smoke any weed, later kelsey kept asking if i was high or not, and i kept saying i didnt know, then started laughing again, i got stoned for the first time in my life, and i didnt even smoke the weed, second hand smoke, they never thought id get that high off of it, i couldnt sleep at all that night, we watched a movie downstairs and amber went to her room half way through it, when it was over kelsey had passed out and i went up to ambers room, she smoked some more weed, and smoked some cigarettes, and we just layed on her bed and talked till about 6 am, then amber and i went downstairs, she woke up kelsey and amber went upstairs and slept in her room, i fell asleep on the couch not to long after, i got about 6 hours of sleep, and somehow a talk about feet evoled into a conversation about what happens when people die, later my mom picked me up, and took kelsey home, we got carls jr and i ate SO much, who knew a night at the mall would evolve into a night like that?
i feel so... i dont know... im missing so much of last night i dont remember much of what i did, im not sure if i feel guilty, if i feel happy, being stoned... and having no thoughts in my head... just felt SO good, ive never just had ntohing to think about, it felt so weird, i forgot all of my problems, i felt... happy, but like... i didnt feel like i was me at all, when i talked it was like i heard myself say it but i also heard an echo as if i was someone else listening to me at the same time, time went by slow yet so fast...i think some of my friends are going to hate me

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