Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Day 6

yes the counting again, this time for a totally different reason, for a totally different person, and i wish i was telepathic, or telekenitic, both would work well, sadly i cant consintrate hard enough to make the phoen ring, or to make my back stop hurting
yes, yet again my back is in great pain, back to drugging myself, nine pills a day, yae!
seriously, i think its just the chairs at school, my backpack isnt all that heavy because i make a point to carry only one textbook at a time, in my hands too, i think its just the chairs... those evil chairs, today in english we read for the whole period, and i just wanted to lay on the floor, it hurt that bad, much like it is now, but im going to bed soon anyways, it only seems to not hurt when im laying down.. i dont think my teachers would be too happy to let me lay on the floor in every class, maybe i could just lay down at lunch and my off hour
speaking of lunch, today i ate lunch alone, you know why? because i sat with missy and she got bored and walked off with ariel and laurel, so after finishing my lunch, talking to like 4 people who decided to stop, ask why i was sitting alone, then ditch me too, then i went outside, probably said like 3 words while out there, and we just stood in a circle and kicked a plastic bottle around, ive learned alot about my friends.. i dont think ill write it here though because they may read this
and i went to the mall with amber today, i got a new shirt, a headband and a pin with skulls and a rainbow, and im not the only one confused on if amber and i are still dating or not *shrug*
and im joining a club at school, o0o angies getting school involved, if anyone wants to come with im going to tau, it starts next tuesday and is in h-130... ugh feels like i have a rock straped to my back, a sharp rock, digging into my back, and it hurts
ill stop complaining now, for this post anyways

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