Sunday, August 13, 2006

How do you classify an Angie?

most people go on searchs for themself, finding the real them and all that jazz, i honestly do not know the real me, im inconsistant but there are some things i do know:
im still just a kid at heart
-i have more fun with my baby cousins toys than they do
-i like to color with crayons
-ill play just about any pretend, or childhood game you can think of, except tag, i never liked it and never will
-i still enjoy kid movies, disney movies, pixar movies, hell there are some od those movies i want to see now
i will drop anything im doing for a friend in need
i would honestly take a bullet for anyone without a second thought
i try to make everyone happy
im a doormat and it worries some of my friends
i get attached to people easily
i believe everyone has good in them
i give people the benifit of the doubt
i do have low self esteem, but past my looks, i do like my personality
ive never been good at sports no matter how hard i try
i get easily distracted by shiney things
i love all of my friends and try to make them know that
i trust people too easily
i dont always know whats best for me but i try to follow my heart
i dont hate people until the they give me a reason too
i will stand up for my friend even if im left with bruises
im shy and dont talk much unless im comfortable
i often have no idea how i feel
if i werent so shy i would have probably made friends with everyone at school by now
i hate losing touch with my friends
i still regret not keeping in touch with ivy and garret
its hard for me to say no to anyone
when i have money i loan it out fast
i love hugs but im normally too shy to hug someone
ive never won first place
when there are awkward silences im normally yelling at myself in my head to start saying something
ive never really been apart of the crowd
im a follower
i think too much
i cannot figure out a label for myself
i have several groups of friends, none of which i totally fit in with
i like being pale
without my jewery i get really self conscience
id rather be dirt poor and have friends then be rich and lonely
i miss my long hair
i sing my heart out when im alone
i dance horribly
i like to skip
i feel paranoid when im wearing white
i hate greenbeans
i never think im a good enough girlfriend
i make who ever im dating know that, and assure them theyll find someone better
i hate dresses and skirts
ive never been good with touching my eyes or putting in eyedrops
i hate mint, cinnomin, speermint, etc
i dont like mountain dew out of a can
i love caremel
sometimes i wish i were more of a girly girl
the only makeup i wear is eyeliner and blush
i mostly wear black because thats what im comfortable in
my sister was convinced id turn out to be a cheerleader
ive only been out of the state once and that was to wyoming
i dont have a best friend
i always blame myself for things that happen

*will probably continue list later*

i am a myspace whore
im a photographer
im paranoid
im a virgin and plan to be so for awhile
i like to go to the mall just to loiter
i procrastinate
im a horrible cleaner
im a pack rat
i remember small insignificant things
im observant
i love when people play with my hair
im a drawer
im a juggalette
im a cat lover
i love listening to music
i like going on walks with my friends
i like baggy clothes
i can almost never be found without my hoodie
i love food
i like to escape the world through sleep
i wear too much eyeliner and thats how i like it
i love to laugh and make others laugh
i will do silly things and inadvertanly hurt myself to make others smile
im a shoulder to cry on
i love the taste of meat too much to be a vegitarian
i sing in the shower
i dont like being the center of attention but i dont like being neglected either
i love night and the dark

might add more later

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