Saturday, August 05, 2006

It's called a blowjob because it blows up in your face!

that quote, will be explained later on in this post
anyways, so last night mariah spent the night, and tawni called, kyles girlfriend, and she was apart of the ritual of burning trevors notes ^_^ whoooo!
it was actually really fun, i burnt myself alot though, and i ended up crying because all the smoke burned my eyes, and we got through almost all the notes, plsu there was tons of ash all over my bed, we tried to keep the fire contained in a bunny tin, which didnt work all that well, we almost set my bedsheet and my pillows on fire, later that night after fighting with my DVD player we watched hostel, and i was so paranoid and we kept yelling at the tv
good times... good times
then we went back to my room and talked for awhile then went to sleep, and she tried waking me up at nine but i refused, then we got up at 20 till noon, and got ready then brandi called, we picked her up and waited for danni, and put sunscreen on ^_^ yay for not being burnt, we made the usual run by the correctional facielity, and "owowwww"ed at them ^_^ and flipped off some jeremy guy that danni knew, and brandi was so freaking hyper around then, just wow, cassie keeps caling her crackhead, and whenever cassie would introduce us to people itd be crackhead (brandi) almost crackhead (mariah) and freak (me) and so the first thing we did was water park o0o0o0o
since lines were super long for all the water rides we went into the kiddie pirate pool thing to go down those slides, but when we got in like this kid had this hose spraying all of us to the point we couldnt open our eyes to see, we ran off to a safe place, then came back when the kid moved, but then were was a different kid, i think they just liked the screaming we did, because they kept spraying us, after awhile dannis starting to mumble threats of smacking the kid, cassie encouraged it, then after alittle while she grabbed the hose from the kid and sprayed him in the face, then the kid retreated ^_^ after we went down the slides we went to the wave pool, which was brandis first time (so was the piratey slides) and so she was freaking out because she almost drown in a wave pool at waterworld, so she clung to cassie the entire time, danni and i went by the rope and omg those stupid freaking kids around me, i got elbowed, kicked, stepped on, pushed into the rope (which was alot more painful than it sounds) and had some kid put their hand down my top and bottom of my swimming suit e_e i was none too happy about any of it but i refused to give up my spot by the rope, so that was fun, eventually we had to get out, then we put on pants and went out of the park for burger king!

ah the adventures of burgerking
so for most of the meal no one talked because we were all shoving our faces with mass foodage, which was kinda amusing, cassie gave some money to brandi and i to get something because we had no moneys, *sad face* anyways, i ended up ordering this like... double whopper or something i dont know, double something, it had bacon ^_^ anyways she got a chicken sandwich thing and we ordered one drink to share, we ended up with 2 drinks. i got a tripple thing with bacon, eorkjrgbekrjb the bacon ^______^ and fries, so that was happy, cassie and danni guessed they thought i was too skinny, at which time i realized i was the skinniest person of the group and suddenly had a self esteem boost, anyways all of a sudden brandi asked why its called a blowjob when there is no blowing involed, danni started laughing and said "yes, never blow, NEVER" then brandi repeated the question, and i come up with some smart answer "its called a blow job because it blows up in your face!" there was much laughing, thendanni asks how i of all people would know that, and my reply? "because i have cassie as a sister!", now dont misinterpret that, as far as i know cassies never given a guy a blowjob, or anything like that but i did learn most of what i know about sex and junk from cassie
and then we ate some more,brandi tried to teach us all how to whistle with fingers in our mouths and junk, and we all looked lame trying so hard to whistle, i finished off everyones food ._. and then brandi started dancing and we all decided to see if we could jump up and touch our toes, and the only one who could do it was danni, not brandi the cheerleader
then we drove around downtown dever and screamed at people and whistled, and brandi and i were doing the most screaming, it was amusing ^_^, we got back to elitches and they got mad at me for not having my pass on me, even though my hand was stamped e_e ebil people, anyways we got back in and rode rides brandi went on the tower of doom for the first time and the operaters scared the hell out of her telling her the harnesses sometimes come loose and junk e_e, and brandi got the number of the guy operating the tilt-a-hurl, i tried making a new friend on the mind eraser because we had an odd number of people and i sat alone, so i just said that i brought my invisible friend lane along ^_^
we found shannon (my brooother) and we talked to him for a bunch, and found out the carnival de faugo isnt there anymore T_T
and i got in a fight with cassie after the minderaser and i walked off to ride shake, rattle and roll with who ever followed, which happened to be mariah, and her and i went on some rides and there was this really cute guy behind us while we were in line for the boomerang... ANYWAYS after the boomerang we caught back up with brandi, danni and cassie, and we left, and we got free full throtles which i chugged and got all hyper, which induced more screaming at people while driving in downtown denver again, and tawni called while we were driving around, and randomly id scream "OW OWWWW!" ... i never got the chance to call her back T_T
and we went to some peoples houses, one girl flicked a cirgette at brandi while it was lit, and she bot burned as it went down her shirt
then we got home, mariah was taken hope, brandi and i talked, and now here i am, brandis sleeping next to me right now

1 comment:

Anthony said...

Jeez. What a fun-filled day. Burger King, Elitches, cigarettes. And, I learned you have a brother.