Thursday, August 24, 2006

So there was this chicken right? And it decided to chug some bleach right?

so today was the 3rd day of school, but first ill tell you about yesterday!
1st period- science- nothing exciting in this class escept when i was looking through my new text book for damages i found a pressed flower
3rd period- math- i fell asleep, first time ive ever fallen asleep in a class before, he asked for it by turning off the lights, 3 out of the 5 people who sit around me also fell asleep, and because he over explains stuff, i wrote some notes to friends. and did my french homework
and i made a new friend named rayne
and at lunch laura and i stole mariahs bra
TODAY! eventfull thingggsss...
i bit missy
i made two new friends: brandie and katlyn
and i saw speedy (victor) at china king

thats me outside waiting to go back inside during photography while we were TRYING to do pin-hole cameras, i failed horribly, and i look fat in this picture =D

thea and julianna, neither of them realized i was taking the picture until i was putting the camera back in my pocket

me and cassie at china king, i was using cassie as a pillow and mom wanted to take a picture of how cute we were


Me said...

I don't know, maybe it's just me but is there a golf-cart in the background of that picture of your two friends?

The words, what-the-shit, comes to mind!

Angie said...

yes that is a golf cart, the security guards use it to feel important, and lazy

Anthony said...

Remember when I asked that guy if I could ride it. That jerk.