Wednesday, September 06, 2006

56 members of Mitch's army and counting.

last night i went to the park with missy and her boyfriend, that was pretty fun, but trevor ended up being there alone with tons of other people, later that night i imed trevor for probably the first time in months, asked him what was with all the people at the park, asked him to join mitchs army, and he finally got to read my angry email i sent him months ago, and hopes of becoming friends with him were riseing
so another day in school, this one however stuck out from the rest, you know why? i had a horrible day, okay well i guess it wasnt horrible, but i still didnt like it and i got pretty irritable, well, for starters when i got to school less than 3 minutes after my mom droped me off i realized i forgot to get her to sign something, a lab safety sheet or something for biology which is my first class, i frantically tried to call my mom on her cell phone, and what do you know, she didnt even take her purse with her, so i alternated calling the house and moms cell, i finally got ahold of dad and told him to tell mom to come back as soon as she got home, because we were doing a lab that day and if she didnt come it was almost as if i shouldnt even show up for class, she was mad, i thanked her billions of times, and ran to class, even though by the time she signed it i was already 7 minutes late, but i dont think mr dewey knew that, when i walked into class everyone was moving around the tables for the lab, which no one actually finished because we spent most of the time going over the directions and people switching the lame goggles for ones that were less lame, then ontop of that everyone got confused on the directions during the lab anyways, then after that i scampered off to my math class, when mr henningsen...son? i dont remember, but he was walking around the class checking peoples homework, as i looked for mine, and guess what, i couldnt find it, then during the BOP someone turned on the lights while i was consintarting on the overhead and blinded me, jen and kittra made fun of my reaction for the rest of the period, they both thought it was funn that i whined about being blinded but didnt wince my eyes at all, then french, turns out i did the WRONG homework, i did the homework that was due friday instead of what was due today, great job ang, pat on the back there, by then i was extremely hungry and was ready for the day to be over, things changed a bit for lunch, i stopped feeling hungry and felt more sick, so my lunch consisted of three ibprofin and a caprisun, i had forgot about my list of recruits until i saw mitch, mariah and laura moodie fallowed me to my locker and we got tons of people to sign during lunch, for those of you that dont know, it was mitch (and haleys) birthday yesterday, and i decided to get mitch an army for his birthday, last night within an hour i got 19 signatures, about 6 or so didnt even know who mitch was, today during lunch and the first couple minutes of english i got up to 56 recruits, i got a bit mad at some people that just shrugs me off or just walked away, like i went to this one table to ask people, they all just got up and left, one of them is in my seminar class, i bet if he didnt think i was crazy with the 'talking taco' idea, he does now, in english jareds class came into our room to watch a movie, after school i stayed around the house, watched cassie try to put in her new contacts, which was an adventure in itself, and i ended up iming trevor and asking what he thought on the email, he said he didnt know, he and i are confused on whether were going to be friends or not, i mean sure im totally up for that, but he has no idea, so chances are were going back to mutalally ignoring eachother, great eh? i hate relationships, all they seem to do is screw up my friendships, hell even jesus and i dont talk much anymore, if i saw me before i decided to ask out/go out with trevor or jesus, i would have shot myself on sight, i hate how things change so fast

1 comment:

Anthony said...

Oh, Angie. We'll talk more. I hardly see you except passing periods. But when I see you at lunch, we can talk.