it seemed that everything was out to make me bleed, i got tons of paper cuts, like 3 in every class, in one of the passing periods i was trying to go from american history to french, as everyone was trying to go down the stairs, someone pushed me into the fire extungisher case, scraped the hell out of my left hand, that, and all the papervuts, falling in the hallway and scraping my palms, trying to make prints in photography was hell, a painful stinging hell, but i did make some more prints ^_^ i think im done now ._.; mfhmfm... i shall scan those now!

the rest wont post right now...ill find a way to get them up
...or not...
well the rest are on deviantart, the link to my gallery is in the side column
Jared looks like a little kid in the last one! LOLOLOLOLOL!!
exactly my point! ^____^
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