Sunday, September 10, 2006


so yesterday ws one of the busy-est days ive had for a long time, i was going to go take pictures along colfax, we were suppose to be taking pictures of 'googie', dont know what that is? should explain it, its the artical ms sopisack gave us, anyways before tracey picked me up, mom and i went to three stores trying to find black and white film that i can develope at school, after going to kingsoopers and safewy walgreens finlly had some, but kingsoopers had disposable cameras with blck and white, wtf is up with that...anyways, tracey picked me up then we went to find ivys house, from there we went to wolf cmera, then to colfx, in the middle of it all we stumbled upon ivys aunts house which was super awsome, s soon as we went to go inside it started rining, within about 10 minutes it stopped, we styed there an hour, maybe longer, we went to chicagos for lunch, it ws really good, last year there was this kid named ryan, his girlfriend works there, so that was definatly an experience, plus ivy knew like everyone there, then we took more pictures, some pictures of cosa banita...wrong spelling quite definatly, anyways, then we walked around the 16th street mall, and there ws this guy... playing like the drums... only they werent drums, ivy and i took pictures of him, tracey wanted to dnce and give him money, there ws alot of talking, most of which i stayed quiet for, after while we had to head home, tracey gota parking ticket though, ivy and i felt horrible about it, so we brought ivy home, then tracey brought me home, i had like half hour before mariah picked me up where i packed and talked to liz, then mariah and laura m picked me up and we were off to denverwest to see accepted, with ben, amy, jared, mitch, ellie, jesus, ryan, a jenny girl that ryan brought, mariah, and laura, i really liked it, really funny, although after being with tracey and ivy for most of the day i was really hyper, and i wouldnt stop figiting during the movie, after the movie i was bouncing around and mariah and ellie kept telling me to breathe and calm down, which just made me laugh more, ellie held me to try to calm me down, but i couldnt stop laughing, we eventually made our way out of the lobby and went outside, where mariah and i did cartwheels, ben, amy and mitch got tokyojoes, ellie ws kinda tired and i kept petting her head trying to wake up her brain, laura watched mariah and i run artound when i stole mariahs shoe, jared and jesus talked about who knows what, and i ended up hurting my leg trying to go say hi to ben, amy and mitch, i jumped up the stairs, my right knee locked and it bent too far in the wrong direction, it hurt for about 15 minutes before i was up and jumping around again, jesus and jared hurt eachother in manly places, i told stories, all was happy and little by little everyone diminished, till it was just laura, mariah and i, we went over to the mall, tried on dresses, took pictures, played in a shopping cart, i pole danced outside of target, i called my friends, showed them my hyper, we went to a place to grow and played tic tac toe and it cheated, so mny times, finally we were hitting like all the squares at once, after awhile of losing we left, took some pictures, and waited outside for mariahs dad, when we got to mariahs house we planned on visiting ryan or ellie, and celebrting shirtless o clock, we ended up falling asleep on mariahs tramp, laura and mariah keeping me warm, but around 6:30 in the morning i couldnt take the pain from my hips, im a weird sleeper, if i dont switch sides that i sleep on it hurts my legs, neck, and hips, when i woke up though mariah and lura happened to be awake also so we all went inside and watched josie and the pussy cats trying to get back to sleep, i was the last one to fall asleep and i lasted through the whole movie, tawni called me in the morning, then lauras dad called her and mariah drove us home, and i had a fine day up until about an hour and a half ago.. i used to be really good friends with this guy right? well.. apparently now he doesnt remember me at all.. after getting mad at me and blocking me for over a year..
this is the whole converstion
Him: i forgive you
AlegnaNekcihc: forgive me..?
Him: yep
AlegnaNekcihc: for..?
Him: ^_^ at this point i dont remember, but if u were blocked, its for a good reason
AlegnaNekcihc: um.. dare i ask who you are though?
Him: adam, my names adam
AlegnaNekcihc: adam from florida adam?
Him: adam from florida adam
AlegnaNekcihc: well, if you dont remember why you blocked me isnt it kind hard to forgive me?
Him: nope, i forgive u
AlegnaNekcihc: thank you?
Him: your welcome
AlegnaNekcihc: you know whats a good idea?
Him: ? hmmm
AlegnaNekcihc: deleting me now
AlegnaNekcihc: ^_^
Him: if thats waht you want
AlegnaNekcihc: well you obviously didnt want me around before
AlegnaNekcihc: one question
AlegnaNekcihc: do you even remember who i am?
Him: nope, all i know is your s/n is ,AlegnaNekcihc you were blocked, and i forgive you
AlegnaNekcihc: haha
AlegnaNekcihc: did you just go through your block list and apologize to everyone you didnt remember?
Him: ^_^ nope, i went through my block list , and said i forgive you
AlegnaNekcihc: did you just forgive me?
Him: yep
Him: your forgiven! yay
AlegnaNekcihc: does the name rain ring any bells?
Him: nope
Him: ^_^ sorry i would forget my own moms name in a month if i didnt see here every day
AlegnaNekcihc: its great to know i can be forgotten to easily
Him: ^_^ its ok, im forgotten every day
AlegnaNekcihc: yet i never forgot you
Him: how special that makes me feel ^_^
AlegnaNekcihc: and im starting to wonder if youre just fucking with my head or not
Him: nope, just came to say i forgive you is all
AlegnaNekcihc: there has to be some sort of catch
AlegnaNekcihc: most people just delete people they dont remember
Him: ^_^ im a pack rat with s/n's
He signed off at 5:00:56 PM

he was the first one to break me, and he doesnt remember anything about me, im erasable

1 comment:

Anthony said...

He sure said ^_^ a lot.