Thursday, September 14, 2006

Never go shopping while hungry.

So another day of school not much to expect, i actually didnt sleep in too much this morning, usually on thursdays i go to school later since i have second off, but today i had to make up a test, and for some odd reason last night i decided i was going to wear a bird in my hair today, and thats exactly what i did, most people thought they were just feathers though which i havent done since 7th grade, and i used to be known by it 'oh look theres the girl that wears birds in her hair' but yesterday during biology arial becca and i were talking about that

o0o blurry

and thats how i dressed today ... ANYWAYS
so i took that stupid math test, got it done in like 15 minutes even with talking to friends, and no not talking about math and i was not cheating, but missy kinda stabbed me in the eye when petting me..
and my off hour was fun today! i got a free soda too, i asked brandi if i could borrow some change, then i go to the pop machine and start putting in change and it gives it all back, so finally i just get mad at it and hit a button, and hey look i gotta soda ^_^ and i hung out with laura m OH this morning i found laura p ^_^ it was AMAZING i havent seen her in two weeks and i missed her greatly, so when laurel pointed her out to me i jumped up and ran to tackle her, backpacks and all, anyways study hall, i also attacked rayne at this time too, and we got mariah out of class for a little bit ._. american history sucked, im so confused.. and now im kinda depressed, but we have alot of junkfood from the store, and last night i made a stick figure with my food last night

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