Monday, September 04, 2006

This is the guy!

who else thinks that this whole thing about paris hilton having a cd is totally weird?
yesterday i went to raynes house for a barbeque, i made a new friend, her name is alice (not sure if i spelled that right.. but its pronounced a-lease) and all of it was alot of fun, we talked, walked down to kingsoopers and got some free cookies, watched helter skelter, well... part of it, its a freaking long movie and after awhile i started getting distracted by shoes, but for those of you that dont know its a movie about charles manson, the people in the movie kinda freaked me out, just how they smiled while killing so many people, how they smiled while confessing about it, and how they skipped and sang while walking into the jail, although i would like to do a creepy crawl sometime in my life, just seems so fun (a creepy crawl is when you sneak into someones house and move around all of there stuff, no stealing involved) there was food to eat and basically alice, rayne and i were pretty anti social til the end of the barbeque, where everyone was outside, just talking some were playing with drums and gutairs, all very amusing, especially since half the people were drunk, i ended up stealing one of raynes pens and drew on my hands, i tried drawing the bones, didnt work as well when i tried drawing on my left hand, then i drew the same on rayne and alices hands, oh and we colored in a pretty princess coloring book, sadly i forgot my coloring pages at raynes house, but i accidently took her ICP hoodie, and there was one girl there, well not really girl, she was an adult, but her name was teresa, and she couldnt remember my name for the longest time, every time she saw me she asked what my name was again and then hugged me, and there was this one guy who reminded me so much of my dad, they way he looked, the glasses, beard, hair, so much like my dad, it was kinda weirdaround nine i had to go home because mom wouldnt let me spend the night at alices with rayne up in confier, so i ended up coming home, found out kyle called around 7ish, went online and talked to him for awhile, talked to my friend chelsea from south carolina... and well.. she was depressed to say the least.. she made me cry with such simple words that seem to be etched in the back of my mind, "ill add you to my arm", i ended up not being able to take it anymore and turned off the computer, couple minutes later kyle called, by this time it was about 1am, and we talked till 5am, around 4ish i started falling asleep, and right before id drift totally off hed end up saying something and making me jump, have you ever been like just about to fall asleep and you lose all sense of what position your body is in or any of that? it was weird... it was like instead of my arm resting on my stomach is was inside me, it was so weird, after awhile i could catch myself when i felt like that and tried to keep myself awake
so how am i? i have no idea, been kinda numb for a week or so

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