Sunday, September 24, 2006

Wisdom is dead.

so i havent blogged for awhile, so i was pretty crappy before, but im pretty good now, i think my friend is too, although im never exactly sure with her.. anyways monday was pj day, the most rememberable thing is some guy in my class shoving his hand down his pants in front of the room, now that was disturbing, tuesday was generation day, i dont remember anything really from that day but jareds fluffy wig which made me laugh, and we worked on stuff at TAU for the parade, jaqci bit my neck for the first time, it freaked me out because i wasnt expecting it, now its happening more frequently, wednesday was lauau day, all i remember from that was jacqi crawling over me in a game of truth or truth, aka 20 questions, because i refused to tell everyone my kinky sex fantasy, and jacqi craled onto me in hopes to get it out of me, really all it accomplished was getting me into a laughing fit, and all this happened while working on the TAU float for the parade, air bands was that night, tickets sold out a half hour before the show started, aka when i got there, i almost cried, mariah and i ended up going back to jessicas house to help with the float more, and took a detour into dunstan, man we got jipped, i taped my mouth shit and jacqi kissed me, thursday was black and gold day, and the day of the homecoming parade, when all of our hard work on the TAU float would be put to the test, i dressed up as an emo kid, only clothing that was mine where my underwear, bra, socks, wristbands and shoes, i borrowed pants from monika which made me feel short and fat T_T, a shirt from rayne, and a hoodie from jacqi/caitlin, and we preched "break your stereotype" to the crowd, our float? well ill post pictures later when i get my camera back, i gave it to laura moodie and she gave it to laura powell and im waiting to get it back since laura is easy to lose, course i wasnt much of a good emo kid, i kept smiling and waving at people, and at one point i saw broc on the side of the street with his new mohawk, and i shouted "nice hair broc!" from the float, after the parade which was alot of fun, we had the booths, which i wasnt apart of, i followed zach around, i lost my phone and they made an announcement while i was inside out of hearing range, we eventually found my phone, and zach and i got some food, ate food with him and victor because somehow victor can find me no matter what, the powder puff game started, which i didnt watch, but i heard tons of fights broke out in the game, and one of the girls boyfriends got escorted off the feild for trying to pull his girlfriend out of a fight where she was getting the shit beat out of her, mostly i just walked with friends, i ended up running into broc like 17 times, i found fuji, erin, and we all found victor and his friend, i gave victor piggy back rides, and his legs were really boney, he called me fat and a jerk, and i told him if he called me names i wouldnt give him hugs, he instantly said he loved me, i got a deck of cards, went to fujis house, watched some anime, ate some ramen, played some video games, then i went home, bundled up and went to pick up laura moodie to go to the homecoming game, which was also alot of fun but i had been standing most of the day so standing in the stands wasnt too happy, we won 27-7, i saw garret alot that day, i still havent gotten up the courage to actually talk to him, jocks intimidate me, the game was fun, i got starburst, i got hit with icecubes, got home like nine o clock like i had been doing all week, friday, hat day, nothing really special here, at lunch i brought myself and broc tickets to the homecoming dance, and at lunch i challenged him and he picked me up, after tackling mariah and laura and broc helping them both up, he said he could pick us up easily, so i said 'oh yeah? go ahead' so he picked me up and almost tripped over a backpack, i went to the mall with brandi, her boyfriend met us there, we found missy and her boyfriend there, interesting chats till the mall closed "man what is it couples night tonight" "excuse me? i have no date" sometimes my friends make me feel lonely, brandi spent the night, and the cemetary is closed on saturdays, around 4ish i went to mariahs to get ready for the homecoming dance, they got their nails done, we went back to mariahs, they forced me into a dress, they did their hair, mariahs dad and i picked up ryan, he was angery, and i think we fixed that, we went to mc donalds for dinner, got some toys ^_^, and went off to the homecoming dance! now that was oodles of fun, laura and mariah kept trying to force me upon broc because they think him and i make a 'cute couple', my thoughts? well i have no idea, i dont think he even knows my name, but for most of the dance i was wandering away from him or dancing next to him, and laura wont count dancing next to him as dancing with him ;-; mariah and laura went on a quest to make me dance with him, were pretty sure he left before the slow songs started, i grinded for the first time with jacqi and caitlin, and they made an angie sandwich, some guy grabbed my butt while i was dancing, i comforted lana, i danced to every song, i fell alot from being in stockings and lacking in shoes, i did a cartwheel in a dress, i danced with girls almost the entire time, i didnt slow dance with my partial date ryan, but i did slow dance with ellie, laura, laura, and mariah, i wore cat ears, after the dance we took ryan home, went to mariahs to get stuff, and i got home at around midnight, stayed up late talking to kyle, and todays his birttthdayyy! ^_^ so since the cemetary was closed on saturday i went today with rayne for my photoshoot with mirrors, we ended up going to the crown hill cemetary, a lot of the graves are pretty amusing, like the wisdom grave, and starbuck, and price.. we had alot of fun though, she even took some pictures of me, she got in trouble for grades though and will probably be grounded for awhile, i came home, and well here i am, long enough blog for you all?

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