Thursday, October 26, 2006

Angie's what?

So, it's not totally my fault that I haven't been posting. Last night when I got home from trick-or-treat street I was going to post. But no. It wouldn't lemme sign on. BUT! I have several things to talk about. All of which will go in list form.:

So that random 'today in important' post, was the day I got kissed by Speedy a.k.a. Victor.
Sunday October 22nd, Speedy asked me out.
Angie what?
Angie accepted.
Angie's gotta a what?
Angie's gotta boyfriend.
And Angie's been spaztically happy. I had totally forgotten what it was like to have someone who goes out of their way to see me.
Mom's paranoid though. She doesn't want me as depressed as I was when Trevor dumped me. And with Speedy being a senior while I'm a small sophmore, she's even more paranoid. I'm starting to think she doesn't trust me though. I think she's convinced we're going to end up banging within the first month or something. She doesn't want us in my room (WITH THE DOOR OPEN MIND YOU!) unless were actively doing something. Today we were playing DDR until his mom called. We stopped, I was comfy and refused to get up. My mom demanded we went into the living room or the basement. Which doesn't make much since. We get more privacy in the basement than in my room. But she's paranoid when I got to Jacqi's house too.
Last night was trick-or-treat street at school. I saw Victor (Fuji's little brother, not Speedy) and he gave me hugs. I saw Cripple Kid, Betty, and tons of cute little kids. I ended up crying though. I got a headache, and PMSing got the best of me. Caitlin and I went on a burrito run when she found out I hadn't eatten all day. When I got home I gave June the guest pass for the Halloween Dance, and about passed out.
Last night it snowed. Ewww... On the way to school my mom and I almost got into 2 accidents, one with an RTD bus. She ended up dropping me off on the side of the street and let me walk the rest of the way. When I got to the front doors I was COVERED in snow. Allison gave me a hug when I got inside, then said, 'Ugh! You're cold and wet! Never hug me again!' Oh. By the way, Allison is the one who has being using me as a pillow. Anyways, when I was dry again she hugged me again. And grabbed my boobs.
I caught a moth this morning. In the commons. I pounced on it, then we went outside to let it go. It disappeared into the snow instantly. Then we went back inside cause it was cold.
Kelsey tickled me. I kicked and squirmed. My shoe fell off, Kelsey grabbed it and I chased her around the school.
Speedy came over after school. I think that he got in trouble for it. After his mom called he got upset and started muttering stuff to himself. I couldn't understand much. All I really caught was "My dad's going to yell at me. I know exactly what he's going to say. *Stuff I couldn't understand* He says 'Oh but she can wait.' And I know she can wait, but I- But I tell him that I don't want to make her wait. *More stuff I couldn't understand* I know- I know what he's going to suggest too. I can't do that. I just can't- *Stuff I couldnt understand*" He noticed that I was still there right about then. I'm guessing the 'she' is me. But I still don't get what it means. I don't think its good either. I'm not even sure what to worry about. All I could really think of is that maybe his dad would demand that Speedy stop seeing me. That would be sad.
Now I'm eatting Chinese and a Hamburger. Yay!
I guess that's all thats major.
Baii ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yea we should hang out soon!
thx for your support?
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