Thursday, October 05, 2006

Where are your pants, son?

That was my favorite quote from 'To kill a mockingbird'

Two things I'd like to talk about in this blog. First the unhappy information. I learned this week that last year my family was almost homeless, and I was reminded yesterday of something also depressing, yet always overlooked. I was talking to my parents about my friend who peirced her own eyebrow and nose at lunch. And my mom told me never to do that because I might die. Because of my heart surgery. (For those of you who dont know, I had open heart surgery when I was four years old, I was born with a hole in my heart the size of a quarter. I still have the scar that goes from my collar bone til about four inches above my bellybutton, plus the scars from stitches.) Anyways, because of that, any open wound, infection, or any of that, that I get is, in the words of my mom, "Like playing Russian Roulette". That kinda bothers me, sure I promise to be careful, but really, I'm not all that careful.


This is what I get for watching Gilmore Girls before bed. I had some of the weirdest dreams last night. For some reason I was lesbian lovers with the Gilmore Girls, and I was showering with them. Then there was a hurricane that lasted like 4 seconds, just to blow down the door and the rest of the house, all but the bathroom. So I walked outside naked, and Danny was talking to some other people, which consisted of the people I just showered with, and some other girl. I went inside to get dressed, but I couldn't find any pants. Through the open door I heard Danny ask some girl to marry him. My mom walked in and asked why I was crying and I said, "I can't find any pants!" Then I woke up. That's the only dream I can remember right now though. Imma eat breakfast now, and finish getting ready for school.

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