Saturday, December 02, 2006

Brian wants a hug? What has the world come to!?

First of all. I'm kinda ticked at Scott. Yes, Scott, that one really skinny kid who somehow absorbed into the group randomly in 8th grade. You know who I'm talking about right? Atleast Ellie knows. Anyways. He's in my biology class. First class of the day you know, not the best with me. Scott can be kind of annoying, yes. But tolerable. Well, we're doing microscope stuff. So were in groups and stuff. Ariel, Tyler, Scott and me. Tyler, being the nice guy he is, gets up to get us all cover sheets and slides. While hes collecting said things, Scott shakes up his soda. I called him mean. Later in the period, he starts unplugging my microscope, while I'm using it to make a drawing. Haha yea, funny maybe if I had been in a better mood. And maybe if his defence was that he needed something to do. Stab yourself in the fucking leg if you need something to do. Just leave me alone. I would have kicked him if Mr. Dewey wouldn't have been behind me. Later. He starts shooting water at Ariel and I with the droppers. He thinks he's being funny. But I wanted to make him bleed. I am definitly not a morning person, and with all my issues lately, it's not smart to act like Scott did.

Second. It'd be so much easier to convince Speedy that I'm not a good person, if I did more mean things. Sadly, I happen to not be a very aggressive person or anything. It's hard to convince someone they should look for someone better without depressing them. I've learned this twice now. And after awhile people get annoyed of my being pestimestic.

Third. I helped Cassie move some more stuff out of the house. If I haven't mentioned yet, Cassie's moving out. She got a house with Dani and Scotty. Anyways. Her sidewalk to her house is all icy and I was all afriad of falling. And it happens all the light stuff, is super fragile. Gee. Leave it to Angie to carry in the breakables. Luckily I didn't break anything. But I also didn't get a promised breakfast burrito out of the deal.

But I did go to the mall. I walked around for about a half hour before I sat down and played on my gameboy and waited for Misa, Steven and whoever else. Whoever else turned out to just be Brian. The kid I stole the soul from. And he keeps on calling me Soul Stealer. He wanted to make a better name when he found out that he and I have both had heart surgery. But the only thing he could come up with was Heartless Soul Stealer. But even he thought that sounded way too mean. Anyways. Steven and Misa clung to eachother in that way that couples often do, that makes them so cute you just want to shoot them. I expressed this feeling of wanting to shoot them, and Brian gave me a highfive. There was much hanging out. More laughing. Much video game playing. It was fun. We hung out in Target till about 9:10 where my mom called and told me to go by Jillians to be picked up. I begged Misa, Steven, and Brian to wait with me so I wouldn't be lonely. They did. When my mom came up, I got in the car. Over Misa's oozing over Ducky, I heard Brian say something like, "Well fine, don't give me a hug." This is confusing. Mostly because Brian doesn't like hugs. He doesn't like clinging. And he bribed me with Rolos to NOT hug him. So I don't know. He's hugged me once. It was kinda odd.

Last. I had a freaky dream last night, which is exactly what makes me not want to sleep now. I haven't had nightmares for years, up until last night. It was weird. Cassie and Chelsea got to be best friends, and they both wanted to kill me. So they hired Speedy to take care of the job. I was running trying to find a place to hide. I found some shack. Locked the doors. And died of starvation. They never found me to kill me.

1 comment:

Anthony said...

Geez! You have movie dreams! SCARY movie dreams!