Wednesday, December 13, 2006

But he's just a freshman!

Yesterday. Was TAU. Which was suppose to be Caitlin's going away party because it was going to be her last day of TAU. We got pizza and games to play, but Caitlin had to miss it because she was sick. We ate pizza and called her telling her we missed her and to feel better soon. We played Apples to Apples, well everyone did except Becca (Kenton's Becca) and I. For awhile I sat with Charlie and watched everyone play. Then Becca and I drew on the white board for awhile, and then when people started leaving I sat back with Charlie. When the circles room has opened up I sat on the floor because Charlie and I were the only ones sitting on desks. Charlie asked if I was just trying to tempt him to sit on the floor and I nodded and told him to sit in my lap. He was up for that offer and sat in my lap. He sat on my lap until we all decided we should end TAU and go home. I offered to give Charlie a ride home and we waited out front.
So. Yesterday mom also started moving furnature out of my old room. My bed, bookself, nightstand, and dresser are now in my new room. Having my bed in there meant my first night spending the night in there without it being Cassie's room was last night. I didn't really sleep well, it was super cold and quiet. I was too lazy to go and turn on the radio so it wouldn't be quiet. When I finally went to sleep, I had a weird dream.
So I was on the computer, and for some odd reason Charlie's dad (whom which I have never met) IM's me and tells me that he's leaving town and leaving Charlie on his own. I call Charlie and tell him he can't just stay alone, so I ask my dad if a friend can come over. He says sure, then I add, "oh, you don't mind that the friend is a guy right?" He gets all angry. "No boy friend of my daughter is spending the night at this house!" And I start yelling back, "But he's just a freshman! He can't take care of himself! He has no where else to go!" So my mom starts crying and calls me a noble person and starts setting up a room for him. I somehow tell him to come over without the phone. Well my parents had plans for the night and said they couldn't pick him up, but they were really happy with the bus ticket plan they came up with. (Which is odd because Charlie actually lives within walking distance.) Charlie gets here and I hug him, then I woke up.

Today. When I woke up I went to the vent in the kitchen and sat by it to get warm. School sucked. I was in a bad mood all day. My friends kept trying to cheer me up. I punched Marty for poking me. Then Speedy and Charlie decided to poke me too. Charlie eventually said something that made me smile, which I don't really remember what it was, but it made me laugh. They all left a message on my phone while I was sitting with them.
After school there was more working on the room and stuff. Eeeeeeeyup.

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