Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I feel kinda bad for not feeling so bad.

If that makes any sense. So one of my good friends, Danny, may or may not have a concussion. Yesterday he hit his head really had and didn't want to go to the doctors to get it checked out. Later, one of his friends gave him such a boost of confidence by giving him the fear of dying in his sleep because of his recent head injury. I ended up staying up most of the night with him. Mostly because I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, and because he needed comforting. Around... 2ish I think, my eyes started to burn. I couldn't focus on anything, and eventually I had to leave him. I cried a lot last night just worrying about him. He said that he took some asprin, forgetting that it messes with him because of his heart disease. I'm scared. I couldn't sleep at all last night, but laid in this daze, some very cold daze. In the morning I was so cold my teeth were chattering, my stomach felt like it was eatting itself or something. Needless to say I just didn't feel well. I went to school anyways. I however, did not eat breakfast. I did not eat dinner last night. I did not eat lunch today or yesterday. I neglected to take my pill last night and this morning. I got to school, and tried to cover up that I was obviously not okay. I almost started crying even before first period started. Bryan (turns out I was spelling his name wrong.) had been texting me while i was going through all this worrying and was trying to help. He even gave me a hug. Which still shocks me. I had no idea how to react and just kinda stood there as he hugged me. Then Kelsey about tackled him for a hug because she's upset that Matt now acts as if she's invisible. The bell rang and I dashed off without anyone noticing. I found Jacqi and Caitlin on the way to first period and I hugged them tight. In first period, I ended up crying while we watched a movie about cells. I was surprized beyond reason that I was as awake as I was consitering the amount of food and sleep I was going off of. Second period went over so much more nicely. Kelsey and Ariel ditched and sat with me. Charlie ended up ditching too, and sat with us too. They all made me laugh and got my mind off of things. I stole Charlie's necklace, which I still have. Nothing special about Third period. Fourth period I laid on Misa, and Leah laid on me and we watched a movie. Fifth nothing special happened. Lunch, Jacqi took me off to another Cubby to talk. She may move to Kentucky. I vented, She vented. She told me about her dream. Marty came and summoned us to the other Cubby. I met Johnny. I think that's his name anyways. He's a new kid from AZ. When the bell rang, everyone still left in the Cubby hugged me except Johnny. And people fought over who was going to hug me next. That made me feel really good. Honestly, no sarcasm there. Or there. Sixth, nothing special happened, or in seventh. TAU.

TAU gets it's own paragraph break. We played a game. We split up and went into different rooms, and each group got their own culture rules. My group had these rules:
'Hello' was replaced with 'Tomato'
'Goodbye' was replaced with 'Olive'
We didn't wear shoes.
We were very affectionate and needed to pet other people. So we were constantly being pet, or had someone playing with our hair.
A wink was one of the greatest complaiments ever.
Nodding was the equivilant of flipping someone off.
We had to say 'The end' at the end of whatever we said. (Ex: Tomato, how are you my Sasha-girl? The end.)
We also had to refer to people as if we owned them. Putting 'my' infront of their name, like the above example.
That was the ways of our culture, and I liked it. I love when people play with my hair. When Laurel and Caitlin played with my hair I kept leaning into their hand like cats do.
After getting used to the ways of our culture, we would switch one or two people with the other room and the ones that left had to react with their culture and whoever they sent over had to react to our culture.
Laurel was the first to go and so I went over to Charlie to pet him, and whenever my arm got tired I'd stop and he'd start petting me.
Eventually Charlie and I were chosen to go over to the other culture. The other culture was very anti social. They played with cards, and Charlie and I did our best to figure out what the hand guestures and such meant. This is what I observed and found out:
Looking anyone in the eye was taboo. So was talking, and smiling.
One stomp meant Hello.
Two stomps meant Goodbye.
How many times they hit themselves was the value of the card they wanted.
If you clapped your hands that meant you didn't have the card.
If you turned around it meant to start over.
If you jumped up and down it ment to start over too, I think.
And whenever someone disobeyed the rules you'd gasp and point at them and move away.
Also if you got four of the same number cards you could look people in the eyes and such.
I found out all except the jumping, turning, and the last one.
People liked the culture I was apart of better, because it was more welcoming. As soon as people came in we'd say Tomato and flock over to them to pet them. It was fun.
When it was all over, we all discussed it, and all through the discussion Charlie kept petting me ^_^ which I had no arguments against.

After TAU, I went over to Jacqis. Layn, Kenton, Becca, Josh, and Dylan were there.
Oh gosh. Ew. I just started coughing really hard and had to run to the bathroom to throw up. Ick. I think I'm getting sick. Mom and I just decided to take me off Naproxen. Erg. I don't feel good. I doubt I'll finish this later, but this is enough.

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