Sunday, December 17, 2006


Because math can be used for bad things too.
So on Friday I got sick. Turns out that sore throat wasn't just from yelling. Friday morning, I get up, all pumped up for school. Because I have to give my half of the project to Misa. While I'm brushing me teeth, I suddenly have to throw up. How ironic is that? I try to convince my mom I can still go to school. She says no, I e-mail the paper to Misa and go back to bed. I didn't wake up till around noon when my mom came in, then I slept for two more hours. Minky came in around 2ish and decided he despretely wanted to be loved on. Some how he figured out how to open my door, then walked in, sat on my head and tried eatting my hair. I hate when he does that so I moved my head. He followed. This went on for about ten minutes then he walked around the bed. I tried to go back to sleep. Then he decides to bite my arm. Each time he did it I'd push him away and say no. He'd come right back. After about 7 times I pushed him off the bed, and told him no. He jumped back on the bed and decided to eat my hair again. Okay fine, I'll get up now. The rest of the day I curled up in a blanket and watched tv in the basement.
Saturday: I helped mom move stuff out of my room then went to the mall with Marty. No one else could go because they had Plans. Bryan was out skiing, Misa was going to Sasha's birthday party, and we couldnt get ahold of Kara. Well, Marty and I shopped for stuff, and I got some presents for my dad and my sister, and now out of fifty, I have eight dollars. When we got to Borders, I saw Steven coming down the stairs. So I ran for attack, found Misa and she glomped me and Marty. We asked Misa why she wasn't at Sasha's party, and she said she didn't really want to go because Laura was going to be there. (Which, honestly, I feel kinda hurt for not even getting invited to. Sasha is suppose to be my wife and all. She ditches me, blows me off, and then doesn't invite me to her birthday party. That makes feel all warm and fuzzy.) Well, Marty asks if I need a ride home because he's leaving, Misa and Steven were leaving soon too so I took the ride. But before they game me a ride home we went to BestBuy. Which made me just want to have a movie night so entirely much. They brought me home, I went on the computer and watched TV. Mom set up the tree, aand around 11:30 we put ordiments on it.
I went to bed around 1am.
I woke up around 5am with major cramps. I cried for almost an hour before I fell back asleep. Woke up this morning with my throat hurting terribly.
Ugh. I hate this.

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