Sunday, March 18, 2007

Before we resort to the explosives, we'll kill them with our words.

Almost all of my friends are fighting lately. I could make a color coded web with this mess.
Marty and Kelsey are at this constant war with eachother. "She said" and "He said"s are the cause. I don't know where everything went wrong but it seems both are blowing it out of proportion and it has evolved into getting revenge, trying to get even when it all was based on misunderstandings.
Bryan and Kelsey are fighting. Something about 'dumb blonde' comments, and not liking Ariel's new boyfriend. Bryan stopped talking to me when I inquired more information.
Ariel's mad at Bryan.
Misa doesn't trust Ariel's new boyfriend either.
Joe seems to be getting on everyone's last nerve with the current sorrow that has been thrown onto everyone with Samara's tragic death. He has differing opinions from the mass. Especially about this current issue. He thinks everyone should just move on, but everyone else is thinking that this hits a bit closer to home to just move on so quickly. I mean, yes sure they can go right on ahead and tell their views on the matter. By all means. But They need to be calm about it. Everyone seems to be losing their cool about it and cussing eachother out. Hear eachother out! No one is always going to agree with your opinions. THEY ARE OPINIONS. There really is no right or wrong side. It's nothing to get so upset over. Listen. LISTEN to them. Be open minded. Please guys. I mean come on. It's not worth it. But the last time I said that I started crying..
I don't get why everyone can't just be civil. I feel like I'm always in the middle of the battle field and I get hurt the most.

Then there's the Marty thing.. He said he thinks he might be falling in love with me. Well. Crap. I don't want to hurt him..

1 comment:

Jared said...

I'm sorry you feel hurt in the middle of this battle. But I agree with you in the matter of listening to other people's opinions. What's getting on my last nerve is the fact that everyone is hating each other for what they think. Not only is it common-damned-sense, but we live in a country where having individual opinions is ENCOURAGED. If all we get for putting our thoughts out is hate in return, then we should all just shut up. We should all live lonely, desolate lives. We should all conform into one silent machine. I'm not kidding.

Woo, long comment.