Friday, March 30, 2007

Your fucking mom. My fucking gum?

Last night at JakJak's. Fun. We went to KingSooper's. Got a chocolate chocolatey cake and wrote "Have a Happy Period." on it. Watched a movie where they exploded a cat. Computer things. Tickling. Hugs. Tv. Cuddling. Putting make-up on Anthony. RAINBOW EYE MAKE-UP. ^_^ Um... Card games. Trying to convince Dylan to play Pimps and Hoes with us. Sleeping. Waking up. Lola. Jig. Waiting for mom. Going home. Showering. Packing. Back to JakJak's for phone charger. Off to Burrito Express. To Mountains. Random Road. Aunt Cindy's house. Dial up. Laptop. Yay.

1. My 'ex' is still :: One of my best friends.
2. I am listening to :: My mom and my aunt laughing.
3. an imaginary question? D: Ohnoess!
4. I love :: Burritos.
5. My best friend(s) :: Are insane.
6. I don't understand :: Lana sometimes.
7. I lost my respect for :: Kelsey.
8. I last ate :: Burrito!
9. The meaning of my MySpace display name is :: Lyrics from a song (We'll wear our scarves just like a noose)
10. Love is :: Common. True love is rare.
11. Somewhere :: Someone is being mugged because they didn't listen to me when I told them not to.
12. I will always :: Be up for hugs.
13. Love seems to :: Screw people over.
14. I never ever want to lose :: my friends.
15. My mobile phone is :: Old. I want Steven's old one.
16. When I woke up this morning :: Lola waved to me.
17. I get annoyed with :: Drama.
18. Parties :: should be held more often.
19. My pet(s) :: probably miss the hell out of me. I haven't been home much in the past week.
20. ...doesn't exist?
21. Today I :: was tickled numerous times.
22. I wish :: that people would be happy.
23. I really want :: hugs.


01. Is your hair wet?:: It's damp. I took a shower two and a half hours ago/
02. Is your cell phone right by you?:: It's in my pocket.
03. Do you miss someone?:: Yes.
04. Are you wearing chap stick?:: Hellz no.
05. Are you tired?:: No. I should be.
06. Are you excited?:: For what?
07. Are you watching tv? :: Nope.
08. Are you wearing pajamas?:: Nope.

01. Recently done anything you regret?:: Yea.
02. Ever lied?:: Psh. Of course.
03. Ever stuck gum under a desk?:: Nope.
04. Ever kicked someone?:: Yea. Joe knows the wrath of my kicking.
05. Ever tripped over your own feet?:: Of course. Especially those days I decide to wear boots.

01. Have you cursed?:: If you consister hell a swear word.
02. Have you yelled at someone?:: Yes. I have older siblings.
03. Have you gotten mad at someone?:: Yea, that doesn't happen very often though.

Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now?:: Yes.
Q: Do you have any siblings?:: Two sisters and one brother. All older.
Q: Do you want children?:: I don't know.
Q: Do you smile often?:: Yea.
Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?:: No, I untie them to pu them back on.
Q: Do you like your handwriting?:: It's alright. People often confuse my lower case f's for p's and my lower case t's for b's.
Q: Are you a friendly person? :: Yup, but I'm shy.
Q: Who's bed did you sleep in last night?:: Jacqi's community livingroom bed.
Q: What size ring do you wear?:: 8 on my thumb?
Q: What are you wearing?:: Outdoor lab hoodie, Ninja shirt, and jeans.
Q: What were you doing at 7 PM yesterday?:: Texting Bryan and watching Tv with Jacqi, Dylan, and Jig.
Q: Is Tom on your MySpace friends list?:: Nope.
Q: Look to your right :: I'm looking!


1. Last beverage: I'm currently drinking some vanilla coke.
2. Last to call you: On the phone? Steven.
3. Last to instant message you: Gareth.
4. Last cd played: Offspring. Americana.
5. Last BUBBLE bath: Bubble bath? Couple years ago. Bubbles are fun shutup.
6. Last time you cried: Uhhh. Last weekend I think.


1. dated someone twice: Yea e_e
2. Been cheated on?: Nope. Not that I know of anyways. I have some suspisions about Speedy though.
3. Kissed someone and regretted it?: Nope.
4. Lost someone special?: Well, they didn't die, but yes.
5. Been depressed? Yes.
6. Been drunk and threw up?: Nope.


1. Cried a lot? No more than usual.
2. Fallen out of love? ...
3. Laughed until you cried? Haha, the other day actually.
4. Met someone who changed your life? I haven't really met any new people.
5. Found out who your true friends were? Yea....
6. Is there something you want to tell to someone? Somewhat. I'm not entirely excited to tell him. But he'll find out eventually.

1 comment:

L.E. said...

I feel like stealing this and making my own, its

LE Luvs Angie