Sunday, April 29, 2007

More than you needed to know about Angie

Ellie did it, and I think it's a good idea. Here's some things you may or may not have known about me.

1. If you're honest with me there's almost nothing you can say that will get me mad at you. As long as you're honest with me, I'm fine. Which is why I don't get too mad when it comes to break-ups.
2. I haven't had but a couple nightmares since I was about 10.
3. I'm terrified of losing my friends, but when they start drifting away I just sit around and watch and kick myself later for not trying to prevent it.
4. I hate tomatos and tomato soup, but I love tomato sause for pizza and Ketchup.
5. Most of the time when I'm with people I'm constantly replying to them in my head, so I don't notice when I'm quiet. I got into that habit when whenever I would speak up someone would talk over me.
6. I hate to think there's something wrong with me so when I'm depressed I try to ignore it. If I have a pain in my ribs, I ignore it.
7. I hate taking pills because I have a hard time getting them down. It's been a problem since I was really little and in the hospital. I'm also deeply afriad I'll get hooked on something and become a pill popper.
8. Sometimes, I just think about how it must be to hang around me. Me and my different moods. Sometimes I like the person I think everyone else sees, but not too often.
9. I get really weird about people who don't have their pockets tucked in. They normally freak out when I try to fix it.
10. I don't even know who I am anymore and it scares me. Not as much as it scares me to think about my future. I don't know what I want to do with my life and sometimes it make me cry.
11. I don't like how I look a lot, but I like having mirrors around.
12. I like photography because I like capturing moments in time.
13. My sleeping schedual has gone to hell since I moved my room downstairs. Most nights I only get about 4 or 5 hours and I function fine. The only reason why I sleep is everyone I talk to ends up going to bed and I get bored.
14. I get more hyper off of ice water than I do with soda.
15. I can be optimistic with everyone else and get them to cheer up but I'm in a constant battle on cheering myself up.
16. I've always really liked music. But I have to be doing something while listening to it.
17. I constantly have to be busy with something. Everytime I try to lay down and relax on a good day or something I can't do it because I get too jittery.
18. When I seem to be zoning out, most of the time I'm perfectally aware of the conversations going around me. Other times, I have too much stuff on my mind.
19. I can't stand greenbeans, but if they are served to me at a friend's house I will choke them down to be polite.
20. I've never liked mint, cinnimon, peppermint, spearmint, or anything like that. If I have to brush my teeth with toothpaste of those flavors I end up having to keep myself from gagging. Which was a real pain until they came out with Orange stuff.
21. I sleep on my side, kinda curled into a ball, but it hurts my hips. I can't normally fall asleep any other way though.
22. I love my middle name. May.
23. If I don't take a shower every night I feel dirty, and just don't want to be seen until I get my shower.
24. I would walk until my feet bleed to see one of my friends if they needed me.
25. I have about 7 clocks in my room because I get paranoid if I don't know what time it is. Yet I never wear a watch.
26. I like to make noise when I walk without actually talking. Hince the keychains on my backpack, noisey jewlery and what not.
27. I get tired of sitting in desks at school so if I can I sit on other desks, stand, or sit on the floor. If my desk is in the back of a room, I will more than likely stand. It confuses teachers for awhile.
28. When people ask me what's on my mind, I panic and instantly forget about what I was thinking.
29. I hate to inturupt people when they're talking.
30. I haven't gotten my permit yet because I'm scared of other people on the road.
31. If you talk to me in person there's a big doubt I'll actually tell you how I'm feeling because I'm programmed with the "How're you?" "I'm fine and you?"
32. Everything I make artisticly I'll love at first then hate over time. I don't know why.
33. Like Ellie, when I like a song, I'll listen to it over and over until I'm sick of it.
34. I constantly want to know what people's views are on things so I'll ask them why and how so, until they get annoyed with me.
35. When I get a new CD I listen to it and read the lyrics until I have them commited to memory. If I spent half as much energy on school work, I'd probably have A's.
36. If I use a standard alarm clock that beeps at me when it's time to wake up I eventually wake up 10 minutes before it should go off because I hate waking up suddenly.
37. I have amazingly slow reaction time. In science in 8th grade we had to do a lab to test our reaction time, and Lana was my partner. She had to drop a paper bat and I had to catch it as fast as I could. For the first probably 5 or so times I didn't catch the paper at all, and Lana had to ask Mr. R how we would record that on the table.
38. I can be very violent towards my guy friends, and my friends who make bad decisions (Like smoking, drinking, cutting, etc.) but I feel bad about hurting my friends later.
39. I don't hate individuals. I can hold grudges against people for months and months though.
40. I can't do a handstand worth crap. I normally end up over doing it, falling on my back and knocking the wind out of myself.
41. I'm a girlscout drop out. My girlscout troop just ate snacks every meeting and I got bored, so I left. After which they swam with dolphins.
42. I'mma big people pleaser.
43. I've collected really random things throughout my life. I used to collect sawdust when I was 7 or so. I collected rocks, but I didn't organize them or anything, just picked up random rocks and kept them in a plastic ziplock bag. I now collect fortunes from fortune cookies. I have a box full of them.
44. I hate wearing color because I feel like I'll stain it or something. That's why I wear a lot of black. Contrary to what most people think, my room is extremely colorful, like my personality.
45. When I was younger I used to not be able to sleep with covers covering my arms, now I have to to be able to fall asleep.
46. When I had heart surgery when I was four or so, I brought my baby blanket to the hospital. I still have that blanket on my bed and I use it to cool down if it's a hot night.
47. Grape soda used to be my favorite soda ever. Then my parents bought a 12 case, I drank half of it. Got sick. Haven't dranken another grape soda since then.
48. I have a couple stuffed animals, but I can't hold them when I sleep. They're too small, I normally hold onto a pillow instead.
49. My sister telling me how worthless I am is why I don't believe in myself.
50. Once, the power at my house went out for hours. I got bored and watched the blank TV until I fell asleep.
51. If I'm upset, I find someone to tell me a story so I can get my mind off of things. I don't know when I picked that up, but it works.

That's it. 51 worthless things to know about me.


L.E. said...

Reading yours, I thought of a few more I want to add to my list...maybe I'll do a second volume later on.

Anthony said...

and I thought I knew you. I think i could pass that test on your mypsace now.

Jared said...

Damn, I never knew you had heart surgery.

P'raps I should think up some good stories to tell you whenever need be 8D