Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Cause I feel like saying it here is safe now.
First off. My friends were all rejecting me. Apparently something about Ariel, Bryan, Kelsey, Steven and Misa were in the car, and someone made a comment something like "Well Bryan wishes Angie was here so she could cry and he could jump to her rescue." I think Ariel said it. Kelsey agreed. And then so did Misa. And then they talked about I 'fake pain' to get attention. Because I was having pains after my period had ended they thought I was faking. The pain was in my ribs and I still don't know what it was about. Apparently Steven tried sticking up for me but didn't succeed too well. Since then and a bit before that everyone had been acting weird around me. Marty noticed it one Thursday or something when they started talking about me right after I left school. When I was told about it, I had to keep myself from crying. My friends had turned on me and I didn't know how to feel about it because they still hugged me and acted like nothing happened. Even Misa's cousin didn't like me much. She said she didn't like how quiet I was, and how whenever she tried talking to me I nodded or shrugged. Ariel didn't like me around Bryan. She thought I was going to steal him away or something. She got jealous that he'd tell me things. And she got upset when he told me something about their relationship, which I felt was a double standard. Ariel tells Kelsey EVERYTHING. And Bryan tells me probably about half give or take about anything personal. They all think I'm still 'inlove' with Bryan. I don't understand why that would have any matter in it at all even if I did. I vented to Gareth, and he tried to help. He got me talking to Kelsey. She apologized for me being left out of everything, because she knows how that feels. We started getting better again, and then it kinda stopped. No one else apologized, no one else aknowlegded me anymore. Marty said that Kelsey felt bad about how everyone was treating me, and Marty suggested maybe she only said those things in the car because it was Ariel there. Marty started being the only one who would hang out with me. And he helped a lot. We had some hanging out before school on the ACT testing days or whatever. Then we had a movie night, and I was feeling better about how things were going up until I'd get to see everyone and I'd get the cold shoulder. But when I was with people individually in classes and stuff, they acted the same as they always did. It confused me a lot.
Then. The inevitably bad thing happened. Ariel dumped Bryan. Last night I guess, over the phone too I think. That kinda ticked me off. I hate when people take the coward's way out of a simple break up. I know how it is to be on the reciving end of a wimpy break up. I mean first break up I had was over text. Email's a step up. Then IM, then phone, then in person. I think the only thing worse would be getting your friend to break up with them. Or getting your friend to text them. That would suck. Anyways. Now I guess Ariel doesn't have to feel threatened by me anymore. From what Kelsey says she's got a crush on Jesus now, and from what I hear the feeling is mutual.
It's almost like our group of friends is splintering more than it used to. During seventh Kara, Ariel, Jesus, etc sat at a table. Then Bryan, Marty and me sat at a different one. It's like Bryan, Marty and I are making a group of our own. Rejects of the Rejected if you will. Bryan decided to call us the Anti-Dates, and or SAD. (Spiderman, Angie-Pants, and Deadly Sorrow.) And during passing periods.. It's like we all congregate with everyone in the group from force of habit rather than of actual likingness of one another.
And on the upside, "The Anti-Dates" hung out after school. I kinda skipped out on TAU because Bryan's been in a bit of a fragile state and I wanted to try to get his mind off things. It worked actually. We played with some Airsoft guns, got rid of unexpressed emotions and rage by shooting the hell out of eachother. Marty and I walked home together and talked, and some car went by and said "I hate my father too" I got confused until Marty goes "BIG DADDY!" Movie quotes. Marty and I are goth freaks XD Whatever. Anyways.
My friend Ashley is pregnant. Due in September. I found out about it over the weekend and it's still weird for me to think about.
My birthday is in like 11 days =D
Another up, is that Gareth says that Misa's okay with me again. But yesterday she ditched me on the way to 2nd period when we always walk together. Everyday this semester unless I was in the computer lab or something with my class. It bugged me a lot more than it probably should have. I'm still not very settled with the idea of drifting away from my friends. But it is something I have to get used to. I can't expect to always keep my friends.
I've been talking to Josh LaMuyon or something.. Anyways I've been talking to him tons lately. Staying up late online with him and stuff. He is an extremely awsome person and I never knew.
Downside. I've been sick lately. Mom brought me to the Doctors after school yesterday. They shoved sticks down my throat to see if I had strep. I almost threw up on the nurse. The test was negitive, and the doctor prescribed some stuff. Is it just me or does this Doctor want me to be a pill popper? Last time he precribed me drugs I had to take nine pills a day. Three pills three times a day, with a slight chance of olcers. And that was for my sore back. Now he's like "Sore throat? Let's take 3 ibuprofin three times a day =D" Then he told us to get some Musinex DM or whatever. You know the stuff on the commercials with Mucus setting up home in your lungs.. or something... And then the duct tape.. And his kid... Anyone know what I'm talking about? Well anyways. THAT. And he prescribed some cough syrup for night which is suppose to make my drowsy. It did last night actually. I got super giggily on the phone with Bryan and fell asleep before my cd was over. Before the 3rd song was over.
Also. I applied online for a job at Elitches so I can make some moneys this summer. The survey was kinda weird, and it made mom and I laugh a lot.

Annndddd. I think that's about it.

And for anyone concerned. About everything negitive going on, I feel totally okay with it. I think hanging out with my friends EVERYDAY put a lot of stress on me. Some days to myself where I'd just watch movies have made me feel SO much better. I guess all I really needed was some Angie Alone time. And I know some of my friends had been concerned with how I was taking in everyone's drama. And thanks to Lana I've tried to set myself right, and I'm doing alright. Thanks Lana.

1 comment:

Jared said...

"We'll be up ALL NIGHT! Now to our sponsors! Uh, Musinex DM... MUSINEX DM?!"