Thursday, May 26, 2005

New blog

well, some of the stuff i put on my blogs i dont want my mom to read... and she got my url for my blog ... so yea new blog, tis angie in the flesh... anyways as usual imma tell my day...but firrrsttt... yesterday i went to the band concert with trevor, he and his step dad came and picked me up while i was reading megatokyo, mom yelled for me and said something like someone was at the door for me, and that our doorbell might be broken o_O; so we drove to dunstan, trevor said i was being too quiet.. hah im normally a quiet person anyways, but when we got there not like half way to the building and i found missy, then ellie, missy was mad because i didnt tell her i was going to the concert, ellie was glad i was there because... lets go with because im special, i followed her around for awhile, ran into amy and ben and some others of which i cant remember, then ellie dragged me off, we ran into trevor again when we were getting some pizza, trevor got a glove XD broke it, then shoved it in my pocket, i exclaimed i had plastic keys inmy pocket and ellie looked at me really funny, we got the pizza and pop, then ellie dropped one... it leaked so we got another, then we brought it to her parents and sat with them for awhile, trevor gave me his neck band thing... inwhich i found was very soft and kept petting it, he wanders away and back alot and gave me his music too, he came back later with his saxophone thing... yes o_O; and sharon found us ^_^ alan came around alot, then left, randomly... man was he hard to track o_O; after whille they went for theyre playing and such... i doodled and moved so i could see amy missie ellie and trevor all at once... that didnt last long, some lady came back and then i couldnt see amy, then some dude shifted and i couldnt see trevor anymore, then alot of people kept moving right infront of me and i couldnt see anything but a tree... no respect... anyways after that was over, trevor showed me and ellie his pimpin bracelet yo XD he got it from his cousin, it had money and candy... but all i wanted was the ribbons... and maybe the cash XD, his cousin took us to DQ and we got some icecream ^_^ and we had alot of random story telling, twas amusing... and amusing enough to make me laugh so hard i couldnt breathe... or make noise, they didnt really notice until i started shaking XD well that was kinda short lived, and i got some ribbons! ^_^ and go0t to wear the necklace/pimpin bracelet too, well trevors cousin drove me home, i gave the necklace back... all money intact mind you... and i read more mega tokyo until i went to bed.. i started writting trevor a note while listening to greenday but feel asleep in the process, woke up this morning with my headphones around my neck and almost choked myself trying to get out of bed because i forgot they were there, i got ready for school... found my pencil under my pillow... along with the missing cordless phone XD and still no money from the phone or pencil fairy
i got to school earlyier than normal, trevor found me and gave me some more of the ribbons, rest of my friends came, cept erin and fuji, but oh well.. they were missed, leah used my as a heater, untilll... trevor poked my side, i screamed and fell, dragging leah with me and laurel with her, then he poked me again and i went closer to the ground, then i tried tosteal his shoe, but ended up tripping him XD then the bell rang and we all went inside, i read the pearl... science, trevor gave me a note, drawings and such, lana got to see it so did amy XD then we did sciencey stuff, the lab was fun... and waiting for the colors to move... lana kept clucking at me, and id crack up laughing, we hissed at each other, i laughed more, then i almost didnt! but she cheated and clucked at me... not fair... art... ummm... i wrote more of a note to trevor, and crumpled it up...yes... my folding... anyways, i drew some stuff, and... read some of james poetry, and then... went to lang arts, found i read the wrong chapter, and did the test and stuff... after that i went over to math, was about to give trevor my notes, but he slipped by without me noticeing... *shrug* math i felt pretty drained, lunch... still drained... read some of jareds comics... recess, even more drained, i curled up into a ball and cried alittle, no one noticed that though with my head on my knees and such, i felt alittle better and watched jared alex ben and trevor play with the hackie sack... i guess people noticed i wasnt myself because everyone was asking if i was alright, recess came to an end and i really didnt say more than about 6 words the whole time, then i went to s.s. still non talkitive.. leah noticed... so did ellie.. amyt and ellie randomly left during class, and came back in french, still drained.. got to talking to ellie thought and felt better... alittle anyways, and wrote another note to trevor, i think im going to rip them up... *shrug* doesnt feel very important to give them to him anymore, after french i found moms car after walking with leah for awhile, got home, read some more mega tokyo, and chelces called, so we went on a walk, i got to my normal self again, and then we made our way back to her house, because we were "stalking" some kids, one of which was/is one of my next door neighbors friends, his name is austin but i usually just called him the short redhead dude, but not like i see him or calvin, orr emily anymore... they never come over to ask if i want to play anymore.. maybe thats why i feel i have no sical life, because most of my time im at home occupiing myself because everyone else is too busy to do anything with me.. well anyways, we made our way to my house, watched some videos, i showed chelsea the magical trevor 1 and 2 and some pictures from school, we made a video.. we went on another walk, then i acted all stalker like going home, i walked along the glennon fence, and whenever chelsea would look at me id go flat against it... then i just like stayed a couple paces behind her all the way home... and now cassies home soooo, imma go now, i was finished anyways XD


Angie said...

now thats just strange... you should never feel like that when im reading over your shoulder, thats insane

L.E. said...

...someone...staring over my shoulder...unpleasent...need spelling lesson...


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