Friday, May 27, 2005

teh awsome day of awsomeness

YAY! well todays been fun, lots of it really, ok wellllll... i cant remember this morning until reading, reading we watched movie and i wrote more of a note to trevor, and i already had like 5 pages... XDXD went to science, um... i dont remember science... at all really o_o; ...umm... art, i hit connor repetedly until he left me alone to my space, and i unzipped james pants...ummmm... language arts i cant remember... math...ummm... i got a note from trevorrr, OMFG AURA! YAY! YAAY AURA! anyways... lunch ummm... i got my lunch, trevor and i extanged notes while in the lunch line, lunch um...iiii... cant really remember XD i tried trowing a hackie sack into trevors mouth umm... s.s. i dont remember either.... french we took a final... or part of it anyways... first page was 98% answer c i swear o_o; welll after school i helped missy and carried some of her stuff because she was carrying a cake, then when they started going across the loawn i gave missys books to fuji and went to find trevor, which wasnt that hard really, from there we went to my house, i showed him some videooossss... and we played DDR when chelsea called, trevor and i took a feildtrip to chelseas and i was told how to take care of their animals, and then chelsea trevor and i went to glennon and did some stuff XD it was amusing, my leg started shaking so much, it was weird, and... theres rocks in my wrist band o_o i had alot of fun though, we walked back home and such, then parted with chelsea, trevor and i went to my house, um... went to my room and looked through the different sketchbooks of mine, and soon after we got a ride to trevors house, I PET THE CAT! I PETTED THAT CAT MAN!! I GOT IT I PETTED IT AND MOEWED AND IT MEOWED BACK! ^_^ it made me happy... ^_^ and... we played DDR... i got the controler, later trevor let me play and he played his base gutair, and then his step dad took us to the mall, i was all tired by then because we had been playing DDR in the dark and i was laying on the couch, got me kinda sleepy, well there we are at the mall, getting june a gift so we go to target, and look around, man trevor was being weird, he got to one of those phones to call for help in the store and put his "the boss" pen to it XDXD after awhile we found nothing there... but backpacks to play hackie sac with... domestic rugs... and they didnt bite XD and some bears to record stuff on XDXD from there we went to hottopic, but on the way we went to earthbound and i found a gift for june, so we went to hottopic and trevor got june a present too, imma give it to her tomorrow, then we walked around... got a pop because apparently i needed energy, then went to find a photobooth, we finally found one, got some awsome pictures XD then it said good job to us, somehow i found that funny when trevor told me and i happened to be drinking my coke and it went out my nose XDXD i started coughing... i was "snorting coke" XDXDXD awhile after that i couldnt breathe very well, well then we called trevors step dad and we waited outside jillians for him, talked a bit, then he came and i was about to go back to trevors house, it was funny they were asking where i should go i said i didnt really care, then trevor said "lets keep her forever" XD i felt like a lost puppy or something XDXD well we got like... a street away from his house then changed our mind and drove me home we were like half way up my sidewalk and trevor decided to answer one of the questions from my note and ask me one too, mom was waiting at the door, then after we did such i went inside showed mom what i got june and then got a call from june, still on the phone with her... and cassies home i think sooooooo... bye bye ^_^


L.E. said...

god, things actually happen in yr life huh??

Angie said...

that they do o_o; had ya fooled didnt i?