Wednesday, June 29, 2005

day 9

lastnight i spent most of the night talking to trevor, and texting ellie, after i hung up with revor at midnight i watched tv for another half hour then went to bed and stayed up writting and drawing... fell asleep on my my sketch book...well today i did basically nothing, woke up took a shower, amd talked to trevor online most of the day, until he went to go play a game or something and i got to play DDR for a few hours, and... now im feeling kinda... bleh... i dont know what happened but whatever.. i really want someone to talk to but... i dont think anyone really does wanna talk so i guess whatever...

1 comment:

Angie said...

well, u couldnt im you because you signed off aim, and i didnt want to deprive you of your game, and dont be sad about it, i technicly couldnt have told you what was bothing me because it was one of those random unexplained depressions i have and such, and you didnt "fail" me at all, technicly its my fault i didnt try to talk to you and youn had no way of knowing how i felt...hmm... wqeird thing is is that the shorter my posts the longer coments i get