Tuesday, June 28, 2005

day 8

well last night after i blogged i was scared to death by my phone going off, happened to be trevor and i told him to call the house phone, and we ended up talking till midnight, and i was tired as hell... i think it showed pretty well with my yawning and my weird talking, ANYWAYS i went to bed at midnight, dont remember when i fell asleep, but i was woken up around 7 because my aunt called and asked if i was coming up, i said i thought i was but no one woke me up, and i found mom was still asleep too, and after i gave mom the phone i fell back asleep... not only once too, i fell back asleep twice, and almost fell asleep a third time but i fell out of bed, i got ready and we drove to aunt cindys, and i totally lost slugbugs because i was so tired, we got there and cindy started my make me breakfast, so as always i sat on the kitchen floor, foster layed down near by with his bone being all pertective like of it, and em went into my lap... then started biting me, so idthump him on the head... then hed look at me and bite me harder, after a couple minutes of that he got out of my lap and i put my hands back in my lap, until he looked like he wanted back into my lap, so i lifted my arms then he was about ready to jump at my right arm and i freaked out, then he got back in my lap and i tried to pet him but he kept biting me and scratching me so i just left him there, soon after that my breakfast of frenchtoast with maple and strawberry syrup with chocolate chips and whipcream was done ^_^ so i told em to get out of my lap... he didnt so i uncrossed my legs and he was left on the floor bewildered XD and i went to the front room to watch tv and eat breakfast, sadly emmerson kept trying to get on the table to get in my plate, and foster ignored me, after i was done with breakfast i feel asleep on the couch,mom woke me up later and told me to kept fosto inside because he was getting in they way of them puppy proofing, so i played with him... and fell asleep again, woke up to the cat scratching me, i decided to stay awake, and played with the cat, got scratched alot, then aunt cindy gave me some water and spdashios, and em kept tring to steal them, and i snuck one to foster ^^;;; then when i threw the shells away emmerson decided to go dumpster diving to fetch them, and i had to dig him out 5 times, but then he got mad and started biting me and i kept having to push him away, that went on for about ten minutes and me yelling "OW! STOP THAT!" and finally i pushed him too hard and he ran into my boot, then i didnt see him for a couple hours, after lunch we went home, and now i gots a bunch of jolly ranchers in mah pocket! then mom and i went to grandmas house.. as soon as we got in the house she looked at me said "oh is this the youngest!?" mom said yea and she said she could hardly believe i was taller than mom, then i pointed out i was wearing boots, and then she hugged me o_O that was kinda awkward, well we drove to toms house, gramdma talking the whole way, and i noticed that uncle toms house is near the house with the dogs that kristy took me to, but anyways, we looked through the house and mom commented that it was just like the house he had with veronica... i can remember when we were at their house once for christmas or something, and me and nick played with nicks turtle, and another time when andrew stole my phone because it was annoying the hell out of him... and another time when we were all on the trampoline and i was really small... everytime someone jumped i fell XD anyways after that we drove gramdma back home and we went home, on the way home mom ranted about grandma, when we got home i started this ^^; so thats my news for the day, i have to go do dishes and make mom a cappicino! byee!

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