Monday, June 27, 2005

day seven

well tis me again, still pretty bored, i talked on the phone with trevor last night until midnight, where i insisted i needed to go to bed, and honestly, i cant remember what the hell we were talking about... ah well, i did fins a clothes pen while talking to him which gave me some fun, till i drained his energy with my random depression and not telling him why, then the clothespin sorta lost its specialness... after i hung up with him, i went up stairs and told my mom night, then she said to go look in her room at her new fountain, so i did... and wasnt too amazed... i came back and said "wow... i can make a fountain like that... anyone can make a fountain like that... cause its not working" she got all discouraged because not many of her inventionous fountains have been working, anyways, after that i went to bed... and found that some perfume stuff leaked on the leg of my pjs and the fragrence was so overwelming i changed, i cant really remember when i fell asleep, i know i was thinking alot though, cant remember what about though... im not sure if thats good or bad... anyways cassie woke me up around seven, and we watched jackass as i tried to wake up, then after jackass and me eatting an apple for breakfast to help me wake up more and cassie eatting some mac and cheese we went to go pick up elena, brought her back to my house, and we got ready to go and waited for ashley, after ashley came we went and got some stuff at mcdonalds, and i learned the milkshakes there have no dairy in them... i think thats they ultimate false advertizing, MILK shake with no dairy, but meh whatever, we got to elitches, and called shannon, found he wasnt even there but at king soopers, so we decided to ride some stuff before the water park opened, so the only ride ALL of us could agree on was the troika, which we rode 4 times in a row because there was no line, first time lana cassie and i were in the blue carts, with a few other people and ashley was by herself on one of the purple cars, and cassie kept screaming "OMG ASHLEY I MISS YOU!" second time was about the same, third we were the only ones on it at all, and before the forth time started... (i think... it was forth) elena randomly got out, walked around her cart then got in on the other side.. after that we went over to the water park, found a place to shove our stuff and went in lazy river, we lost ashley in there, i got cassies watch wet so she made me attach it to my collar, and wouldnt let me go under ANY waterfalls T_T and some kids spit on my head... the morons... cassie told the lifegaurd and there was much whistleing, never saw them again, gosh... wave to people and they spit on you, how rude is that!? well we found ashley and went around again, almost lost lana because she was hooked on ashley, then i grabbed elena and we lost ashley, we got out and decided to go on the red slide thing... i have no idea what its called XD the raft almost fell over several times and ashley almost fell out, after that we were going to ride the edge but we figured we wait a bit and not kill ashley, so we went in the wave pool, then after the wave pool.... nope! not the edge! we went on disaster canyon, which is where we found most of the gay pride people emerge, i think after that we went to go eat lunch, and cassie fed alot of the birds cheetos, and bread, when we got back in... random not remembering...and somewhere in this day lana ashley and i got soaked by standing on the bride of ship wreak falls... that was amusing, lana and i ran to it and lana was right under a huge hole in the roof and got like bambared by it.. sadly half of both of us didnt get wet, so we went to were ashley was standing, and if any of you stalked us on the school fieldtrip to elitches, we stood where trevor got soaked, and we went on the rainbow, then the thunderbolt and then lana and i went on shake rattle and roll, then we went to go on the tower of doom, found the line to long went to the boomerang, found that line to be twice as long, so we went to the halfpipewaited in line for almost an hour and we were at the very front of the line... and it breaks down, so lana and i went to go fins cassie and ashley, we ate some ice cubes and some italian icecream, which by the way THANKS LANA FOR BUYING IT FOR MEEE!!! then we decided to go home, after calling shannon and such, he walked us to the car, and i gave him his birthday present from me and yaya! i get a how to draw anime book for my birthday from shannon! ^_^ then we went home, and ate dinner and omg lana ate a hotdog! and got trevor kicked off the net because his mom was seeing what she wrote.. well then cassie left with lana and i did dishes... after i changed and such after dishes, i went into my room and did some sewing on my jacket when i was interupted by a call... ok heres how it went down..
"hi! is pam there?"
"uh... yea... who may i say is calling?"
"oh! this is her mom"
"uh... ok... hold on a second.."
by this time i was alittle confused... the voice sounded so cheerful and such and... sounded like it came from atleast a 12 year old
so i went into moms room
"um... hey pam... your... mom? is on the phone?"
mom made some no guestures and told me to tell her she wasnt home, i explained that it didnt sound like someone who would be her mom, but honestly i wouldnt know, so mom answered it and when she hung up i asked if it really was grandma, she said yes, and im still in disbelief, but as i said, how would i know what grandma sounds like? its not like i even know what she looks like except from photos (cassie thinks that if we ever go to a family reunion and shes there, that someone should introduce me and i say something like "whoa... i had a grandma? i thought she was dead or something... are you sure this is MY grandma?" and honestly, i would think she was dead unless told otherwise with the lack of communication she has with our part of the family
well after that call i went back to sewing... then got kinda bored and this is where it got me, 2 hours ago.... my gosh.... exactly two hours to post this... anyways byee!

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