Sunday, June 19, 2005


yes yes yes, today is the day to hail all fathers, i was up late last night writing... and drawing... i like one of the drawings, imma doll! ^_^ with l337 action man... ok not really but because i stayed up late, it was ineveidable that i should have to get up early this morning, cassie got me some hair dye YES! HELL YEA! anyways... cassie woke me up at 8 with a beaver... and i fell back asleep, finally got up cause mom was pestering me, and we ended up leaving the house at about 10...everyone was kinsa testy when we left, mom got mad at the tomato plants, then that got dad mad, then dad got mad at cassie and cassie glared at me.. and on the car drive cassie randomly shoulded out "cabaka ninjas rullleeee!" that made me instantly think of jared... i just kinda stared at her and started laughing, little later we got to my aunts house, dropped off the beaver and some tennis balls for foster, and some toy mice for emmerson, and the tomato plants for aunt cindy along with some flowers, we werent there long before grampa porkchop came, looked at dad said "hey your getting skinny" looked at me and said "whoa your getting fat" -.-; i looked at him said "gee thanks" then hugged foster patted emm on the head, hugged aunt cindy and we left, from there we went to kristas, and i found that camp id ra ha je is like 2 minutes away from my aunts house, and camp tomahawk is just down the same road, well, we got to my newphews house, i ate some chips... a bird bit me twice... evil thing it loved dad, and cole o_O but came to sit on me and bit me, its like... dude wtf if you dont like me dont climb on me... anyways after awhile cole dragged me out of the house by my hood, and me, him, corey and jeff went to the lake, corey cold and jeff rode scooters for while then these idiot kids came, omg... there was this one kis who wore his had sideways, and looked like a rat, he kept trying to show off by riding his bike with one hand, as soon as corey said he looked cool, he took both hand off the handle bars and almost crashed XD then he kept trying to call us names, espeially when jeff ran his scooter into the kids bike, then he tried running into jeff and corey, but hed like slow down get off his bike then run at them XDXD after while they decided to insult us from afar then they ran off, after they did that chelsea called me, i guess i dont get good service at the lake because she couldnt hear me, so she hung up on me, then after the fishers left, cole corey jeff and i threw rocks into the lake, then we walked around, and found a dead fish and i took pictures of it, we hung out at the water pump for awhile, thatd when the corey kid started to freak me out... while i was ranting he stood infront of me and stared at me until i looked at him and then he said "you have beautiful eyes" i looked at him funny and said "...what the hell?" i mean this kid is like... probably 9 or 10 and hitting on me o_O but then cole said he said the same thing to sadie (jos and coles dog) so that made me feel better, on the walk home i ended up carrying coreys scooter half of the way home, along with coles halmet, until my sholder started hurting and having the scooter in my arm was just too much... so i left it on the ground and told corey i wasnt going to arry it anymore..i was so tempted to hit corey with it... and or cole, cole found out i have a boyfriend... and couldnt believe it XD it was funny, cole was like "is he as weird as you? does he wear a dog collar too?" and i showed him a picture, corey saw it and kinda shunned me that was amusing, when we got to corey and jeffs house jeff wanted cole to fix his CD player, so i followed, i met teir cat... it was a really pretty cat too... i made friends with it, but corey kinda dropped it on me, it jumped and scratched cole, jeff let me listen to a song but it never got very far because his cd player died, we all looked at pictures, i found that they had a sega, AND echo... i wanted to play it so bad but we decided to go back to coles, we didnt get even into the house before josh suggested we go to the lake, so josh, cole, lexy and jeff got on bikes and started riding, lexy lagged behind because she was talking to me, and corey went on the scooter, then cole and josh found some kids at the playground they knew, and lexy and i followed, with jeff and corey following us,was stayed there and talked for awhile, then josh spotted my mom dad and sister in the car so i had to run to the car, said bye to josh then we drove home, i took a few pictures from the car and cassie used my leg as a pillow, and i ended up falling asleep too, we got home, i watched tv on the couch and cassie took a nap, i got kinda bored and got on the computer... annnnnddd here i am ^_^ so now that im done... i want some food, all ive eatten today is tortilla chips


L.E. said...

omg, ID-RA-HA-JE is like the best camp eva!! EEE. rotfl. you should go there this summer! ^^ I bring you forms!

Angie said...

um... if it costs money i dont think i can go.. >.> were all low on cash and stoof