Thursday, June 02, 2005 I have a life O_O;

well, as trevor pointed out, i havent posted for the past couple 'o days, this is because i havent had much time to make a post... and if i did it wouldnt have the random detail we all love X3 yea right... but anyways day before yesterday... was...TUESDAY! yea ^^; well that was finals day, science, l.a., s.s. and french we had finals, and they werent all that bad, but in french i had to do the oral part twice because she apparently gave my grade to someone else -.-; so i had to do it twice and someone didnt have to do it at all ah well... after school babies were over, chelsea came over and abducted me for an hour to help them move back into the house, i did so gladly, but for the last 20 minutes i was being a plant and trevor called my cell phone, i decided to go home, so chelsea and i talked to him while walking me home, cause ill get lost otherwise XDXD when i got home, my cell phone was starting to die so i told him to call the house if he wanted to spek, so he did, and i helped with twins while on the phone, and a couple calls on the other line inwhich i had to be a messenger and tell mom what they said, after while we all went outside, and i chased samantha and andrew AWAY from the sprinklers...they thought it was fun making me run back and forth while trying to have a converstaion with trevor, after some time of that i invited him over for dinner and cassie and i went to go pick him up, but because i thought we were just gonna go to trevors i left my shoes at home, but we had to go to the store too, so i went in barefoot XD well we got home i did some running around and stacey and tracey came, kenny too, we ate, and after that i ran around the yard with samantha and andrew, trevor had run watching me run and jump around the backyard, but after awhile i lost my balence and fell right on my back, and out of engery... soooo i layed there and the twins decided to use me as a hurtle... after awhile they thought why not jump on her back too, until i made them play ring around the rosey with trevor XDXD then they went home, i decided i wanted to color in the spongebob coloring book, and trevor helped me XD we made a goth patrick XDXD and its up on my dA account in scraps if anyone wants to see, after that we decided to play some games on the computer, then we went to my room and looked through yearbooks, thennnn he went home and i went to bed

yesterday, last day of actual "school"
reading....i cant remember...
science- we went over finals, i got a 91% ^_^ *does a dance* and signed year books and i took pictures
art- i took more pictures... and we watched pirates of the caribbean, im pretty sure i wrote trevor a note but i dont remember giving it to him o_O;
l.a.- uh.... i dont remember that
math- more signing of yearbooks and more picture taking and doodleing on boards..and then we left about half way through the period to go get our free lunch, we waited in line for so long and got alot of pictures XDXD then sat around under a tree... and i got sap on the back of my leg, i took a picture... well two, the first one was unsatisfactory and amy hit me
s.s. we took...a... semi test thing o_O; is you read the questions backwards youd get almost all the answers X3 and half way through that period we went to the gym for a talent show, and trevor signed my yearbook, and i signed his, and i took some pictures, after all of this, trevor helped my smuggle my sketchbook out of the school OMG YAY! and then i went home... and then waited for ashley... then we went to elitches... it was ok i guess...

TODAY! latestart, and trevor called about 10 minutes after i actually got up, i got all ready and such then we went to go pick up trevor, we went to school and stuff...i got a spork from lana, and i drew on trevors shoe, and he took some pictures, we got on the buses... ride there wasnt too bad, i sat next to lana, bus was crowded though... when we got there, ms walling was having a break down and cussing alot, i went to find everyone, and i did XD welllll... first thing we did was ride the carisel...thing... we were all wondering why we needed seatbeats... because the carisel is just so fast... o_O;... we got some amusing pictures from that, then we went to the tea cups, only jared (ohyea! jared had blue hair X3X3 so fun to pet..) trevor leah and i went on it though, but we got it going really fast, after that we went over to the tilt-a-hurl... everyone kinda drifted away... and trevor leah lana and i went on the tilt-a-hurl, we made trevor go on it too X3 after this... we wandered... and jared went on the new ride... slingshot, he said it was so awsome, i wish i couldve gone on it, well we got some pictures of him on it... not like you can tell XD we walked around, went over to the sea dragon and i waited out with trevor, we went to the mind eraser, i waited out on that one because i was waiting for shannon to call me, and he did, unfortunately, only trevor was with me, everyone else was somewhere else or in the line for mind eraser, so shannon only met trevor, then he left, soooo me and trevor wandered around and i tried to find something for us both to go on, funally we went on the ferris whell, by this time, i wasnt in the best mood and i was getting tired of everyone asking me what was wrong, and no one believed my "nothing" i got some pictures on the ferris wheel, the operator yelled at trevor for blowing his horn while on it, then we wandered around to find everyone else, we finally did, i called shannon, and said we were gonna go to the observation tower, he was gonna meet us there, but we all got distracted, i took leahs ice cream... trevor with the horn, leah and travis with travis hat... and some other stuff, and he found us first, but we never got to go on the observation tower, after awhile everyone went inside to scare jared, i found this an oppertunity to wander off, so i did, but travis found me and told me to take leah, so i did, we went on ship reck falls...and... the swings... ellie and trevor called me on my cell, but i was pretty much ticked off at everyone and hung up on them both... and for that im sorry to both of ya.. then it started raining and we decided to find everyone again, so we found lana jared and ellie, it started raining harder and they told us to take shelter under the tea cups, later we went to the shops, then leah and i went to find everony else, so we went to the arcades, the second one we looked at they were at, leah and i kept randomly running out into the rain then jumping in puddle, we decided to get our pictures taken, i took out my hair and it was all wet and stuff XDXD then we went out in the rain again, i got annoyed of the water on my glasses and went around blind for awhile, trevor decided to go with us, whereever we were going o_O; mostly i think we were just following the puddles that i kept jumping in XD and it was funny, because i was linked arms with trevor and he linked arms with leah and id always try to steer toward the puddle, but hed push me away and basicly drag leah into it XD then trevor won a snake, taking out his anger on a metal ...mat...thing... with a mallot, he did better than the highschool kids XDXD he gave it to me, but i lost it *smacks own head* it was soft too, anyways, we went to find ellie and such, and then leah and i wandered off, i bought some stuff, came back and trevor called me when i was a few feet away XDXD we took more pictures in a booth, so fun... and funny XD soon after we had to leave, to get on the busses, and i talked to trevor leah jared and some others while i was on the bus and they were around the window XD leah used my cell phone a couple times to call her mom to pick her up, trevor threw his horn into the bus through my window XDthen cory and octavio said he was gonna break the window, jackie said something like "its fine when they act like morons but when other people do they spaz" i agree totally o_o; bus ride home kinda sucked.. big... because of the people around me, -.-; well i wont go into deatails about that... mostly because i should wrap this up, because i should be going to be soon, well, we took lana home then trevor came over to my house, we downloaded some pictures, drew on my pants, i argued with cassie, mom broughttrevor home, then we went to subway, broought home some food, so i chowed down, trevor called and we talked for a long time.. then he went to go get some glasses, annnndddd called me back later, and was kicked off the phone not long after and ive been doing this since, sooooo im done, i need some sleep

1 comment:

Unknown said...

tee hee that was a very fun day!!! (except for the whole travis and melinda thing)