Thursday, July 07, 2005

day 17

well, before i go into all the stuff i did yesterday, imma write down my dream i had last night before i totally forget it in the mess that is my mind
well, i was at an archaid and i was playing DDR with anyone who would play with me, but most of the time i was playing by myself, after a couple games im wandering around the room watching people play, then i find this sign up sheet to win a painting, i get there about the same time as this one kid named charlie, my nephew josh and trevor, charlie got to the pencil first, and there was about 16 pages of peoples names, we all flipped through the pages and found the last page had only four slots left, but charlie filled three of them in, i said that was cheating, but he ignored my cpmment and debated on which one of us hed give the pencil to so we could sign up (gosh... none of us had scribble sticks in our pockets... what idiots were we?) well, all of a sudden he realizes im one of the people standing there and says "ooo... ill give the last slot to my beautiful" winked at me then wrote my name in the last slot, i kinda stared at him for a second, then wandered off to play DDR again, but he followed me and watched me play by myself, i got alittle paranoid and asked if he wanted to play too, he tilted his head alittle and asked if i wanted to eat dinner at his house, i said i had to ask my mom, so he asked me my number and he called my mom, when he hung up he said i was going home with him, i said ok and i followed him outside and we walked to his house, for the most part in silence, when we got there i met his family, and they seemed really thrilled to meet me, i played some video games with charlies little brother arron, he won most of the time, then charlies mom called us for dinner, we served ourselves then we went to the table to eat, but since they had just moved in we were sitting on the floor, i didnt really talk much at all while i was there, one of the times when i was moving my leg because it fell asleep, i accidently kicked charlie and i apologized, he just smiled at me then kissed my cheek, his family "aww"ed, then i finished my dinner fast and said i should really be getting home, charlie nodded and i grabbed my shoes and started putting them on, charlie grabbed my sweater and walked me to the door, i said bye, and he kissed my cheek again, i rushed out the door (without my sweater too x.x) and i stared running home, suddenly it was the next day, and when i was going outside to get my bike to ride to the achaide again, when i got there trevor gave me a note that charlie had written, i got confused while i read it and found it was a love note, i shoved it in my pocket and went to play DDR to get my mind off things, and thats about the time i was woken up by the phone, it was some lady trying to get me to take a survey, she asked my name i said angie and she started calling me andrew x.x well... i said i was going to talk about yesterday.. but now im really not in the mood, so ill leave you with this, if i seem to be acting weird, im probably in my really weird moods, where i can sound really happy but really im happily pissed off, dont ask, it confuses me too, but it just happens, like last night i was laughing really hard but i was upset and crying, well, thats about it sooo... if you think in in one mood, im probably the complete oppisite, so with that aside, im going to finish checking dA messages, bye

ED to the friggin IT
ok so! i went to the mall again today ( i went last night with kelly elijah and lana) i got a bag ^_^ chelsea got earrings, then we spent over a half hour in the bathroom trying to get the earrings in her ears, inwhich i called trevor and hung up with him in less than 10 minutes, so chelsea and i walked around, went to the skate park thing, then left to find me a straw to chew on, and we found one at starbucks, we walked around some more... sat, then i saw cody and ian, told chelsea i knew them, so she asked if i wasnt to stalk them, so we did, and i think they noticed we were following them XD they kept looking back at me and it randomly look at the cieling or in a store, but then we lost them because they went into a store, and we walked ahead, so we stoped at the huge table, to wait for them, then we got bored, so we started going in the direction of the store we lost them at and we ran into andy and his friends... one of which i cant remember and sam, then we started walking with them, chelsea kept calling me mangie so i kept punching her, then one of them said mangie, so i punched him and he was like "dude! i dont even know you and your beating me up" and andi and sam did the same thing, i kicked them both, and then i saw leah, so chelsea and i left them and stalked leah, but then they had to go x.x and we called my mom and while we waited for her to pick us up chelsea started saying that sam was checking me out,yea... right... anyways... mom drove us home i ate dinner did dishes and now im waiting for leah to call me well.. tis all byee ^_^

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