Monday, July 11, 2005

day 21

i did have an update yesterday about the day before yesterday... buuuttt... it logged me out then decided not to recover my post, so i decided bleh screw it, cause i really didnt want to type it all over again... plus not many people read this stuff anyways and i seem to tell it in random worthless stories to the ones that do, so what is the point of this blog? i dont really do anything interesting with it, yet for some odd reason some people who still read this want me to keep blogging, even if then i have nothing more to say to them in real life, which i find very pointless, but then again, does anyone actually listen to my stories? most of them i tell, and people either get distracted in the middle and wander off (yes... people often wander off right when im telling them something) its like they totally forget im talking to them and find something better to amuse themself, well i am pretty tired of that, and it makes me rethink even talking to anyone, because most of the time they get distracted while im trying to express my thoughts and end up asking me to repeat what i said, and most the time i say nothing because well.. if they werent paying enough attention to begin with why should i have to repeat myself, but then i find thats very hypicritical because i have times when i zone out and have to ask other people to repeat themselves, but like... some people, i start with a story then they get distracted in the middle, distract me then get mad when i cant remember what i was talking about, well lucky for you all, i still have alot more to rant about, but chelseas coming over and then were going to the mall, cya all

the story of ed and it
WELL! i went to the mall with chelsea (duh) but before she came over daniel called about wondering if dunstan had directories o_O and i honestly didnt know, apparently he wanted to get ahold of lance, some dude who went to school with us, well chelsea came and mom drove us to the mall, we went to hot topic i got a necklace that says im special and some black and white striped stockings, of which my mother approves of more than my fishnet stockings, soooo yay me! plus ill probably wearing these alot... so some of you may actually see angie in a skirt... GASP! well actually i have a picture of me in a skirt i could probably get up on here, but! only if people want to see it, since it might take me awhile because its on my phone, and ive got a picture of trevor in a pink cap! but i wont torutre him by putting it on the net... thats just mean... plus he reads my blog XD and ive got alot of other pictures... come to think of it, i think i may stick them up here, and with permission from trevor i might stick up the one with the pink cap, he may have deleted it off my phone but i still have it saved on the computer ^_^ but chances are ill stick them on my xanga cause... its easier, so look out for em if you want ^^; anyways, after wandering around the mall for a couple hours we went to the skate park, and who did we find there but lance and the one daniel was trying to track down, i dont think he knows who i am though, it was fun watching him skateboard though, and amung many others, crash, which is always fun for me, but no offence to them, its not like i could amount to any of them in the slightest, i cant even stand on a skateboard without freaking out and falling off... which was usually why i used to sit on them and roll down my street, cause im a wuss XP well anyways we watched all of them for awhile, chelsea really liked this one guy in whote skates yellow halmet and "happy blue jeans" as she liked to call them, and we named him angelina, just for the hell of getting tired of calling him "that guy" and there was a dude there named andrew who had awsome hair, it was like two mohawks one colored orange and the other purple, that was so cool... chelsea kept saying he was staring at me, i personally think shes paranoid, or keeping up my vainity because i have none to spek of, anyways, after like two hours there we went to the mall again wandered around, then went back, for a few minutes then called judi to pick us up and i hugged pete until she came, i do think chelseas alittle paranoid though, judi thinks its vainity though, well... while we were waiting a dude in a semi was trying to get to the parking lot, chelseas convinced he was staring at her, but he was looking at his side mirror to see if he could make the corner ok, but shes convinced he was checking her out *shakes head* and alot of the time shes always saying guys are checking me out, or that people are looking at me funny, oddlyy enough i never see these people, but i do believe the looking at me funny, especially when im balencing a pop bottle on my head while walking like i was doing today, and chelsea kept knocking it off my head, so i thwacked her in the arm with it, then she complained that i broke her arm, or busted a blood vessel or something, ive got to try to remember that some of my friends i can hurt more than others and without meaning to also, sometimes i feel too strong for my own good... but then i do something and it doesnt hurt trevor, so it all evens out ^_^ anyways... i got home... got all flustered with people and watched tv, and cassie crashed in my room, tryed to read some of my notes to trevor i wrote but never gave to him, i poked her sides till she agreed not to read it but only to look at the drawings in my sketch book, then she got distracted by tv and i got my sketch book ^_^ then dishes and stoof... then here i am! woot!

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