Thursday, July 14, 2005

day 24 *EEEEE! i can hardly wait! ^_^*

well i had some weird dreams last night... but sadly i cant really remember all of them, i could when i woke up though, but i was in a bit of a panic so i forgot ^^;;; i was up most of the night/morning because i was all paranoid... cause a whole bunch opf peoples houses on my street were broken into the other night, plus last night there were four cars that went down my street in less than 5 minutes, that doesnt even happen in the day... ANYWAYS aside from my acute paranoia, the one dream i can remember is i was at like... jillians or something, with trevor, ellie, chelsea, leah, and ben we were waiting to go somewhere, but im not sure where, so in the meantime we played games, course i didnt really play any because i didnt bring any money, until about the last five minutes we were there, then leah and ben chipped in some money because they were tired of me just watching, so i played this video game and everyone was watching me, i got really into it then when i finally lost, i looked around and everyone had left me there, like it was a plan to leave me that long then leave me, anyways another one of my dreams, i was at school, only it was like a festival but we had to wait until the classes got out to go to it, my class got out early so i waited infront of trevors class until his did too (what was really weird was that i got out of science with mr r and he was getting out of french oO;) well i was waiting, and for some reason i was waiting in a wheelchair, then trevor came out (also in a wheel chair) i grabbed my wheelchair, folded it up took his too, and ran off to the clinc to put then back, while trevor was yelling asking what i was doing, when i came back he wasnt there anymore so i went looking around the school for him, i kept running and running and no one stopped me, well mr wegner did once to ask what class i just got out of, i shoulded rankinsmier and kept running, after awhile i got to a part of the school i had never been in before (and for some reason dunstan hooked onto hutchinson o_O) well i wasnt the only one that got lost, a few others where there too, and we searched despretely for what shouldve been the crowd of people, but we never found them, kinda sad really, we were locked in that part of the building to die, anyways around the time i started panicing in my dream i woke it and it was 12:10, and i thought id call trevor to see where he was, then i realized it was only a dream and felt really stoopid anyways, im done nowww ^_^ bai!

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