Monday, August 22, 2005

Mental Break Downs And Vinilla Coke

WELL i survived... barely... yet again... this time it was a closer cut, anyways today mom woke me up because my alarm didnt go off, i got ready sleepily, and when i was ready i went downstairs to get on the computer, possibley see if trevor was on, and he was, so i talked to him as i waited for mom to realize what time it was stop playing bejeweled and take me to school, when i got there i looked for fuji so him and missy could help me out, didnt find either of them, figured they were coming later and found miraya (spelling? o_O) and she didnt have her locker either so we both went to go get them, found that the line we got into was only for sheduals and registration, and no one knew were we could get our lockers, so me and miraya went back to the commons and waited, i found fuji and missy and we kinda walked around for awhile, i had no idea where we were going, then i found amy, she kinda slowed me down and i lost fuji and missy, then i found chelsea and she freaked out and hugged me, then i made her show me where to find my first class, and i hung out there, and so far i wasnt really freaking out, i was pretty calm, after english i wandered around trying to find science, i had to ask a teacher and they didnt seem to know where it was either, when i found it the bell had already rung and i ended up getting the seat right behind trevor (SCORE!) not as good as sitting next to him but eh still good, we did a pig profile thing, none of em seems to fit me very well, then we made name tags and i grafetied trevors and he did mine, then i drew on my own for awhile... half listening and such, then mad libs XD freaking hell only trevor wouold know theres an actual word for the action of attacking someone with a fish XD gawd, and now i was freaking out a bit cause i had no idea where any of my classes were... well i think i had to go find math, and i got there on time! ohyea! anyways... we got homework and i stalked KC to get to my next class, which happened to be geography... and that freaking starway in the commons is suicide. so we went around... and the bell rang as we were running up the stairs, and i got into the class right before he was shutting the door, and i think that hes my favorite teacher o_o seriously, anyways after that class, melinda wanted to seewhere i was going next, i wanted to see if she was understanding on the lunch thing cause i sure as hell wasnt, and she wasnt too knowing either, then she found KC and kelly found them and all of them walked off together o_o i found missy aand she told me which lunch i was suppose to have, she was following brianna to her locker and i was following her, till i ran into trevor and i followed him, SAME LUNCHHH WHEEEE least for now anyways, something about too many ninth grade classes in that lunch? ah well anyways ate lunch and gave half of it to missy, cause with my upset stomach i wasnt feeling very well, so i had a samish and a coke ^_^ and then i had leah help me to find study hall, she gave me general directions and sent me on my way, i found laurel and had to track her down to stalk her to study hall, rules bleh bleh bleh whee laura sits infront of me and i drew and passed notes with her until the period was over, now i was a bit relaxed and feeling more like i could get through the day, then photography -.- gawd that screwed me over totally, okie well they screwed up the sheduals and i was TOTALLY in the wrong class, so i went to go change me shedual, by the time i got to the office i was almost crying, i went and got it changed to seventh and i got french sixth, okie i could deal with that more of my friends were in that french class anyways, okie so i got to the french room (still really trying not to cry) get into the room... and EVERY single seat is taken up, not to mention i got there half way through the period, and i got to sit at a table in the front of the room, rules rules rules, and all through thatone of the kids wouldnt stop staring at my shoes, another kid looked to be having a mental breakdown, and some others kept looking over at me, then looking at the door and the clock, well after french i was feeling a bit better... till photgraphy again... WRONG FREAKING CLASS AGAIN so i went back with ariel and had to wait with another girl, who had to transfer out of cooking because apparently they were jam packed, so while we were waiting one of the ladys there had a actual freaking cat... just sitting in her lap, she was waiting for someone to come pick it up or something, she went into one room and asked if they were allergic to cats, apparently they were, she waited about five minutes then asked if the principal was just on the phone and she was so she shoved the cat in that room, it was so cute though *swoons* i wanted to steal it ^_^ conceal it in my sweater and scamper off, but i couldnt, finally i got another schedual, and get to have algebra AGAIN only now, i have a totally different teacher, which might get confusing at the end of the year when i have to return my book o_o and some kids phone went off during class XD he had no idea it was his XD so now i have math seventh and... photography fourth i think, least they didnt change my second period ^_^ well after that class i went to wait outside the band room like missy asked me to since we both are in need of lockers, trevor came out and i told him i wasnt waiting for him and he scampered off, and i didnt get a hug T_T missy came out and we walked over to were we are suppose to get our lockers, wellll... they said too bad come back tomorrow, so i went out the front to wait for my mom to pick me up, spotted trevor and went running at him and semi jumped of him, thought of glomping him... but he was carring an open soda bottle o_o so i didnt, and i got a drink of trevors soda ^_^ i waited for a whilem and flipped out when my phone went off, and she was in the back waiting for me, so i started scampering to the back and got in a bye and i walked away, found mom and i told her about my day, we got home and i asked her if maybe trevor and mary could come over, realizing then that there was no marching band that day, so i got inside and did some stuff went online and asked trevor about it and called mary, both could come over so i collected my laundry and socks... and my shoes that wander out of my room and find their way around the house ^^; then WHOOSH i was ready to go, however mom wasnt, she dragged the bansaw into the laundry room to cut some wood, then dragged it back into the shop, then we left to get trevor, by now i had eatten half of a blizzard and was spazing, got trevor and we went back home to find mary on out door step, wheeee we sat in the living room for awhile, then the kitchen... then the basement, when mary had to leave, i hugged her she hugged trevor and left, then trevor and i watched hampsters for a bit and went back to watching tv, and soon mom was yelling at us if we were ready to leave X3 so we left AND OMG RAINBOW! dropped him off came home, talked to him online =3 cause i already miss him cause im joost that pathetic =33 then i wrote this and now i should maake mom a cappicino X3 hopefully tomorrow will go down better, and trevors gonna meet me in the commons during access to help me around the school ^^ so sweet, ANYWAYS cappicino... whee!

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