Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Teh random dream of randomness

well it started with me being really tired, kenny noticed i was tired and watched tv with me, i fell asleep *mind yew this is all the dream* i woke up later and i was suppose to go to a concert thing, with ellie and trevor and amy, trevor was already at my house and ellie came over, and then amy was in shotgun and there was something loose or something and she couldnt fix it so i tried and i got it, and when i was about to go back to the backseat amy was already there, so i rode shotgun, trevor sat behind me, ellie drove and amy sat behind her, we got to green mountain, and trevor wandered off, so did ellie and amy, i was looking for ellie and amy when i found leah and laurel, i screamed and pounced on leah, then laurel tried taking her because laurel claimed leah was hers, after a bit trevor found me again, but ellie and amy were still no where to be found, (one of the really weird parts about green mountain was that it looked just like my house o_O;) i started getting really tired and layed on the floor of what was my dining room to sleep, i did fall asleep and started stirring in my sleep and trevor woke me up because he thought i couldnt sleep and we went back to the living room, where we found mitch, and he was iming lana on our scomputer, then we walked into the kitchen and lana was walking in the back door, we said hi to her and such and she showed us a cool toy, inwhich i broke and couldnt put back together, then we went back into the living room for the concert and trevor and i sat on the floor next to leah and i ended up falling asleep curled up in a ball, and thats about when i woke up o_O; yea... really weird dream... ah well imma go watch some tv x.x

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