Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Tell me, where is Gandalf, for much desire to speak with him.

WELL! most of the day yesterday i did absolutly nothing... at all...until like... 6 something when i was all watching tv in the basement and mom yells "HEY SHORTCAKE!" so i yell back what and she yells that trevors here, so i run up the stairs and out the door to go to a church thingy ma-bob with trevor and jared, on the way there i SO lost the slugbug game... shouldve never taught him that game... i am no longer teh master x.x XD ah well, anyways, we get to the church dealy and jared and i just kinda follow trevor around because were both lost as hell, random singing of church song, and out of the three of us, i think trevor was the only one that actually sang, then we listened to things, did a prayer and left, and then we went and played vollyball... inwhich... i suck majorly, kept having these stupid flashback of gym at hutchinson when i was one of teh worst players and always one of the last picked, unless ofcourse i was the team captian (which i never wanted to be) or one of my good friends was a team captian... and MAN did i suck at vollyball, hell, id serve and end up hitting the wall behind me and itd bounce back and hit someone (normally me) and soccer... bleh... most of the time i just stood there because everytime i tried to go for the ball SOMEONE would trip me, hand ball i sucked... really bad aim, hockey i got yelled at for hitting the ball to hard, dogdeball i was good at... one of the few games i liked and really got into, but of course, one, im slow and often get hit, two i have bad aim, and three, the last two years at hutchinson, the gym teacher was against dodgeball e.e i cant remember his name.... bleh whatever... gymnastics i also sucked at, i could barely do a handstand without falling backwards on my back and knocking the air out of me, and cartwheels? pfft you kidding, id go half way end up hurting my arm or something and colapsing, anyways back to what happened yesterday e.e i got so bevous and such i scratched off like half the skin on the top of my index finger, which now hurts like hell... and really thats the first time ive done that, normally i scratch it but not hard enough to rip skin off, so i normally just make it sore... i do that almost every year on the first week of school, cause im so scared im going to mess up and get lost or something... i mean... dude... I STILL GET LOST IN DUNSTAN! and for most of the time i was there i had no idea where the hell the band room was, and it took me forever to realize that all the stairs were on one side of the school, anyways, we played vollyball until jared had a bunch of thirt and we went on a quest for drinks, and found... there were none... but there was a drinking fountain... jared and trevor fought over it and trevor ended up snorting an oreo that he grabbed from the snack table when we found out there were no drinks left, we stayed in the hall for awhile, and jared and trevor hugged ^_^ and that scared one of the people there XD then we went to the gym again... and were herded into the room with chairs and we watched a movie, and jared kept saying "oh this is the best part... OH NO this is the best part... hah... thats my favorite part" then when it was over jared said "you knoow... my favorite part was with that guy... and he was there... and he was talking... yea that guy" then we went outside to wait for trevors mom, and we went to the grass area and jared and trevor ran around in circles... then spin in circles... crashed then jared wore trevors shoes and trevor wore jareds shoes, then trevor threw a bunch of the shoes... and jared tried to convince trevor to play the penis game or... rectal herpies game o_O then trevors mom got there, and we all went to trevors house... and were going to help him arrange his room... but got all distracted with trying to find trevors "friend" o_O; and found his gutair instead... so we searched for a place with a three prong outlet found one in the dining room and sat there, and messed with his gutair, which was fun, then we went to the computer, watched the "theyre taking the hobbits to isengard" video, then howard drove us all home and such, when i got inside mom said i was late and that i was grounded for two weeks from the computer and phone, im pretty sure they were kidding... but i dont know o_o; they said i was home too late than i said i was, BUT i also had said io had my cell phone if they needed me, and since they were laughing while trying to ground me i think they were kidding... but i think theyre trying to enforce it o_o dad just walked by and said "HEY! werent you grounded?" but if i AM really grounded... then... imma have to like... walk over to peoples houses er something o_o; i told mom that too XD when she said it i was like "okie... well then ILL WALK TO TREVORS! bweee" and she said i was grounded i cant go anywhere so theyd know where i was at all times o_O but technically they doooo know where i am... close to my cell phone X3 anyways... im all done with this and such... BAI!

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