Friday, August 05, 2005

two cool days and one dud...i guess two outta three aint bad o_O;

the day before yesterday... slept most of the day and or stayed in my room, until trevor called and we planned to go to the mall to get stuff for his room, i kinda wondered why he wanted me to go, but thats not the point, then we planned to finnally see charlie and the chocolate factory, when we got to the mall it was about four, which was when the movie started, it was rainning kinda hard and the wind was kinda strong, so we walked, cause of the rain ^_^ so we bought our ticket and went in and found some of trevors stalkers, and watched the movie, which... i have to say was really good, which is now my second favorite movie ^_^ then we went back to the reguilar mall and went to target to find some sheets... found none, so we went to earthbound and played with the hermit crabs, then we just mostly wandered, and found more stalkers, wandered some more, because were just that cool, went to borders and listened to some greenday, and played a new game... "keep angie away from the elevater button" and we got a ninja book ^_^ then i was going to go back over to trevors but it got to late, so i went home, and ended up calling trevor anyways

the great joys of going to my aunts house... especially with a friend, okieee welll, i woke up ten minutes before my alarm yesterday morning... which was 6:50 exactly o_o so i turned off my alarm and layed there for the next ten minutes... then decided to get out of bed and get dressed, as soon as i was done putting my clothes for the day on cassie knocked on my door and said she had something to give, me, which happened to be pencils mom had gotten me a couple years before but i used them all... and/or lent them to other people, they had butterflies and such on them and were pink purple and yellow, cassie said she would have gotten me ones with trucks on them but they had no girl names X3 so i thanked her and she asked if i wanted to share breakfast with her, i said yes and showed her the ninja book, and we ate and wrapped aunt cindys present, cassie made me hold some pictures so i set down the ninja book and went to go find my sweater because it was still rainy weather, then we went out the door and put all the stuff in the car and went to go pick up trevor, and waited for him to find his shoes XD then we went to the safeway to get some food for lunch... but... they didnt carry any and trevor shoved delly meat in his pocket XD and we made sure he left it behind before walking out, then we drove up the mountain till the next safeway where we got our food, and i was all... really really tired so i just tried to sleep in the car, then we got to aunt cindys and trevor met aunt cindy and foster... and riley and em, as like... within 3 minutes of when we walked in i gave my shoes to foster, and he carried them around the house, and then he stole cassies visor, and alittle later trevor and i watched tv, while aunt cindy mom and cassie talked in aunt cindys bedroom, then i remembered ecco and shoed trevor it, then since he found that game annoying and i cant get anywhere with it, we looked through the other games, and hooked up the ps2 and cassie and i played crash as trevor sat there... looking really confused and bored, after alittle bit, we paused the game and ate sugary foods ^_^ and... i layed on the floor and was attacked by dogs, then we went back to the game and cassie made me give up the couch, so i sat on the floor and trevor sat in the chair that i leaned against as i died... several times... after awhile i got really mad at the game, so i ended it and since no one else wanted to play or watch tv, i layed on the floor and tried to sleep, cassie fell asleep on the couch and trevor fell asleep in the chair, after awhile em kept walking on me so i petted him...and got kinda sore of the floor and grabbed my blanket and moved to the chair, but as soon as i sat down trevor woke up, and he threw a pillow at me, and we threw it back at each other for awhile then i kept it and tried to sleep again... didnt work, mom walked in and decided to vaccum, so she piled wolly the walrus (dog toy) inwhich i hugged, one of trevors shoes, one of my shoes, a sock tug-of-war toy, and a tennis ball on me... and it was pretty confortable, trevor tried fixing my glasses so theyre not crooked anymore... i dont think it worked but ah well, then after awhile i got up and left all the stuff that was on me on the floor and went to the bathroom , when i came back out to the sunroom the tv was on, and so we watched that for awhile... cassie took my blanket so i was majorly cold, which is why i curled up in the chair, and trevor decided to sit next to the chair i was in, and i finally decided to get another blanket... then they decided to move all the furnature, and because i didnt want to get up, trevor had to pick me up and move me to a different chair, so i layed there for awhile watching tv along with a bag on my lap until they were done moving and i put the bag on a table near me, trevor sat down next to the chair i was in, and then we wanted the clicker... and couldnt find it... so while looking around i saw foster on the couch, so i grabbed my blanket and sat next to him, and trevor layed on me, and then i asked aunt cindy if she knew where the clicker was... she did and we finally watched the simpsons, and i found i have easier access to trevors sides when hes laying on me XD, then uncle larry came home, and trevor met him and uncle larry opened his present, and mom tried to get me and trevor up to put our shoes on because we were going to leave soon, and after while we did... said bye to everyone, and went home, and around this time i was a bit more awake, then we got to my house and mom put on the unicorn song *shudder* EVIL! freakin evil... so i ran and turned it off, and we ate dinner, (more simpsons yay) after dinner i made mom a cappicino and then trevor and i watched more tv, with me then under another blanket because i was cold x.x and more poking, which seemed to hurt noth of us o_O; hurt my stomach and hurt his ribs, so why we continued im not really sure, but then he left and i did some stoof i cant remember... and some other stoof... then called trevor o_O; got off the phone with him at about 11, in which time i ended up crying because of the insane pain in my stomach, so i spent another hour crying and watching tv before i went to bed...and listened to greenday... but i didnt get much past the third song before i fell asleep

TODAY! im doing absolutly nothing, because... im that lame ^_^ so i think imma go back to watching tv in my room, baiii!

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